Best Friend

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"No, it's my turn with Yoshi!! You've had him for like the past six rounds." I pout, tossing my controller on the couch and crossing my arms to my chest.

"You are such a baby." Scott rolls his eyes, laughing.

I make a whiney noise, grabbing my controller again to scroll through the characters. I guess Toad is second best, right?

"If you have Yoshi again, we have to play Rainbow Road."

"Nooo, Mitchyyyy!"

"Who's the baby now?" I smirk.

"You know I suck at that one!!" he throws his head back dramatically, falling back onto the sofa.

"Yeah, that's the point. You know I love Yoshi, and you're hogging him."

"You turd." he glares at me, visibly holding back a smile.

Scott finally ends up giving in, letting me take the cute green creature, while choosing Princess Peach for himself.

While he wasn't paying attention, I sneakily clicked on Rainbow Road. Scott snaps his head to look at me, his eyes narrowing as I giggle.

"Ha!" I smirk at his betrayed face. He shoves me lightly.

"You are such an ass." he scoffs as I laugh. "I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!!"

The small melodic tones count us down, the round starting with the blare of a horn.

Right off the bat, he starts yelling about how he can't control his cart, squealing every time he gets close to the edge. I calmy zoom around the obstacles, ignoring his obnoxious outbursts.

"I'm not gonna make it!" he screams.

"It sounds like you're dying." I laugh, my eyes never unlocking from the screen.

"I will be soon. I'm really struggling staying on these paths..." As if on cue, he flies off one of the narrow rainbow strips, his little character babbling animatedly.

This happens quite a few more times. Of course, I end up winning by a long shot.

"I ran over like eighty freaking banana peels! This game is stupid."

"Haha!" I tease, playfully shoving his shoulder.

"Awe, you little-" he lunges at me, tackling me in a tight hug around the middle. He slides his hands up the sides of my shirt, completely trapping me in his arms.

"No, get off!" I giggle, crying out as he brushes my sides with his fingers.

"Oh," he smirks up at me, "have I found your weakness?"

"No no no no no no!" I shriek, cackling uncontrollably at the top of my lungs. I punch and slap every inch of his broad shoulders, my chest convusling with laughter.

His hands fly up and down my ribs, his chin resting on my sternum as he laughs at my hysteria. Tears stream down my face from how hard I'm laughing, finally giving up my attack on his shoulders due to lack of oxygen.

"I'm done." he admits randomly, completely stopping his torturous tickling to snuggle his cheek into my shirt.

"I hate you." I grumble, wiping my eyes and breathing heavily.

"I deserve your hate. That was mean." he chuckles against my chest; I can feel his smile.

There's a pause.

"You're my best friend." I sigh, eyelids drooping. I begin playing with his hair with my fingers, twirling the golden locks around my knuckles.

"Woah, did I just get majorly friend zoned?" he jokes, tightening his grip on my torso.

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