Real Scott

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~My new cover!!! They are just so 🍓ing hot, I can't function. Enjoy!~

I'm still for a moment, waiting for something to happen. Nothing does. My lids flutter open and Scott's inches from me, but now his face is drained of the little color it had, and his sky blue eyes are now clouded over with fear. My eyebrows knit together when he jolts backwards shaking his head.

"N-no, I-i can't do this." He stutters, combing his fingers through his hair. He looks confused and terrified, while I sit in the same position, utterly dumbfounded.

"What... what can't you do? What's so wrong?" He was about to kiss me. My heart skips a beat at the thought. But he's super worked up about it, and I can't understand why.

"I... have to go." He stands quickly and grabs his stuff, fumbling with the zipper on his bag.

"S-scott, Scott! What are you doing? Please come back," I sit up straighter and watch as he rushes out of the room and down the stairs. I'm still staring at the doorway when I hear his car start and he pulls out of the driveway, then starts speeding away.

I sink back onto my bed, letting out a long breath I didn't know I was holding. Maybe Scott realized he wasn't gay and thought what we were about to do was disgusting. I think of the Scott that I know from school. The Scott that's had countless girlfriends. The Scott that had a gazillion friends. The Scott that would never talk to a skinny gay loser like me.

Then I think of the sweet, bubbly Scott with the breathtaking voice. The Scott that decided to come over to my house to write a silly little song with me. The Scott that when he laughs he scrunches up his face and covers his mouth with his hand. The Scott that sat so close to me I could smell his toothpaste. The Scott that I think I'm falling for.

That obviously wasn't the real Scott.


M- hey scott what happened yesterday??

M- are you ok?

M- please answer me

I've called him twice since yesterday's incident. I have no idea why this is happening. And tomorrow is the day we have to preform this song in front of the rest of our senior choir class, and he won't answer my texts. It's one of our last grades before all of everyones time goes into studying for finals.

That's not the most important thing on my mind right now though. All can think about is his bloodless face, he looked so lost. So completely horrified at the thought of kissing me.

I jump when my phone dings and my heart leaps when I see one new text.

I open it to see a new text from... Kirstie. I met Kirstin Maldonado in second grade. Our first sleepover was a week after we met, and since then we've been best friends. We would have countless shopping trips, do our own manicures, sleepover at each other's houses and gossip about every little thing happening at school. She was the first person I came out to. Ever. I doubt I really had to, but I did anyways. I remember the day so well:

My tiny freshman self shivers all the way down to my black and white Vans from the chilly-for-Texas air. It's a Saturday, and my dad had just dropped me off at her house. I pull on the sleeves of my oversized sweatshirt and brace myself to knock on the door.

I do and she opens it almost right away. I give her a small shy smile and look at my feet.

"Well come in already! Jeez sis, you look freezing!" She exclaims, smoothing a lock of long brown hair behind her ear while she grins at me.

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