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~Someone was demanding that I write a new chapter, so here
it is! I am so obsessed with this new Superfruit video, everything about it is amazing.

(Another homophobia warning and description of an anxiety attack)~

A tall woman stands in the doorway of Scott's room. Her face is glowing red with fury, the look in her eyes shows disgust and shame. She shakes her head, denying the image that is no doubt burned in her brain. I'm frozen in my stance underneath Scott, my arms failing to cover my chest, eyes wide.

Scott's face contorts with pure fear as he pushes himself backwards, out of his position and falls back on the bed roughly. He scrambles up into a sitting position and stares at the woman in the doorway, mouth ajar. Her eyes fill with tears as her expression turns from shame to hatred.

"N-no, mo-mom this isn't what you think!" He stutters. I can tell he's on the verge of breaking, so I start to slowly reach out to touch his hand.

"Don't touch him!" She spits. I recoil and her head snaps to Scott. "This is exactly what I think it is, and you know it." She's shaking now as she stops her foot to emphasize the last word.

"M-mom please..." tears are streaming down his face as his eyes flicker over to me, wide and lost like the eyes of a cornered animal.

"Don't try to make me pity you! I can't believe you're my... that you're my son right now." My heart drops at her choice of words. I see Scott's face crumble, and his posture shrinks considerably as if he's caving in on himself.

"Mom... mom I-i'm.." he can't seem to say it. Of course not. Scott is smart enough not to say that he's sorry for who he is.

His mom bends down and grabs my shirt off the floor. She examines it and then throws it as hard as she can at me. It doesn't physically hurt me, but the intention behind her action is clear. She wants to hurt me for doing this for Scott. She thinks it's my fault for how he is.

"Get out of my sight, faggot." Hot tears fill the rims of my eyes and blur my vision. I stumble off the bed and nearly fall to the floor. I clumsily pull my shirt on and reach for my shoes.

I don't even care to put them on before I push past her to leave the room as quickly as I can. As soon as my arm brushes hers she jumps and pushes me away, like I'm some revolting creature that she is afraid of being near. I hit my shoulder hard off the wall of the hallway outside of his room.

"GO then!" She yells, "I never want to see your face ever again!" She's so close to me that our noses are inches apart. Flecks of spit hit my cheeks and blend with my tears. Her breath is hot on my face and smells like old coffee. "LEAVE!"

I take a few steps back to get away from her. I pause for a moment to grab my shoulder and let out a sob of terror and pain. I look at Scott and see him stand and reach a hand out to me, before his mother strides over to him. A stare in shock as she backhands him, hard, across the face. The sound sends a wave of despair and fear through my whole body.

He's sitting on the bed, his hand over the fiery red welt forming on his cheek. His usually bright eyes are clouded with pain and pleading me to leave, but my legs won't move. His mom looks at him, then slowly turns her head to me, and her eyes flash with anger. She takes a warning step towards me and I flinch back like she hit me as well. I turn around and run blindly out of the house. The tears in my eyes are hot, stinging like the pain in my chest.

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