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(ignore these chapters if you don't want to read useless facts)

I just felt like we all needed a hot picture of Scott. You're welcome. :)

So, I got tagged by my friend SirenNightwalker to list 15 facts about me! I'm a boring person, so it took a lot of thinking to do this. Here we go...

1: I have waaay too many brothers and one baby sister.

2: I have an unhealthy obsession with Pentatonix and Superfruit.

3: carlyrae_ is my best friend irl😘.

4: The majority of my clothing is black.

5: I get my phone taken away a lot, and a certain friend gets very annoyed (cough cough)

6: I love sparkling water.

7: I love horror movies.

8: My biggest pet peeve is loud/open-mouth eaters. I literally cringed writing this.

9: I have an attitude that gets me in a LOT of trouble.

10: I am happily married to Scott Richard Hoying. (HAHAHA! I wish)

11: I suck at writing stories but some how always end up doing it.

12: I memorized the entire Katylogues Superfruit episode with a friend.

13: I have more pictures of Mitch Grassi on my phone than I do family members.

14: I have been in 8 school plays and am a member of the Show Choir.

15: I despise math. Ew.

The people I tag are:






If you already did this tag, sorry bby! Ily!!♡♡

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