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...sorry. is this too much fluff? whatever.

"I'll walk you to the door..." Scott mumbles dismally as he switches off the ignition. Crap, I feel so cliché, but I truly don't want this day to end.

"Sure!" I smile, desperately trying to lighten the mood and the sadness in his eyes. I don't want to leave either.

We open the doors in unison. I can't even begin to tell you how freaking gorgeous he looks with the light of the moon and stars shining off of his hair and translucent eyelashes, his nose an adorable pink-ish tint from the bitter weather. The silver of the moon is letting off just the right amount of light to compliment his features perfectly. The high soles of my shoes soften the blow after I jump out of the ridiculously tall truck. I wrap my arms around myself, already shivering.

I feel his warm hand engulf mine and I glance up at him. He continues to walk, oblivious eyes ahead, as I gaze up at him. He catches my stare, raising his eyebrow (or lack thereof). He has so clue how gorgeous he is.

As we tread up the steps to the porch, a dim yellowish light switches on above us. It's my dad, signalling to me that he knows we're home. I lift our entwined hands to pick at my black nail polish with my free hand, internally dreading the moment I have to open that door. I feel him step over to he can face me. I drop our hands to look him in the eyes.

"I love being around you. I haven't felt that happy and comfortable with someone in a really long time." He says, the porch light failing to mask the color rising to his lightly freckle-dusted cheeks.

"Me neither. I don't think I've been this comfortable with anyone in a relationship like this, ever. I mean like... not like relationship-relationship, but I guess, I don't know." Shut up, idiot. I'm rambling, my face heating up as well. We're literally two little blushing schoolgirls.

His mouth twists into a small smile, his eyes crinkled with amusement. I look at his lips for a second, and I push myself up lightly with my toes to give him a small peck, but I pull away quickly. His blue eyes switch from my left eye to my right as he steps forward slightly to place his hands on my hips. He pushes us lightly to the wall next to my door, grazing his lips against mine. I pull him down by the back of his head for more, and he quickly obliges.

We don't move at all, just one set of lips against another, savoring the moment. We simply stand there, embracing each other. The light flickers on and off a few times, apparently my father has no patience what-so-ever. I pull away to sigh, my breath visible in the air of the cold night. Scott glances up at the porch light and then down at me with a puzzled look, and I roll my eyes.

"It's my dad. He feels the need to hurry us up."


"I guess I have to go inside now." My tone shows clearly that it's not something I want to do.

"I guess I have to drive away now." His tone matches mine.

"We're doing this again. Tonight was the best."

"Definitely." Now we're stalling. I let out a breathy laugh at how attached we are already. He joins me until we're both a giggling mess.

"I really think I should be going now..." I'm lying. I definitely don't think that, but I know I have to.

"Okay." I slip out from between him and the chilly wall, our fingers still woven together. I smile at our hands behind me. My eyes trail up his outstretched arm to his face. I rush back into his arms, hugging him with all a have.

I can feel him smiling into my hair as we sway together. I really shouldn't be smelling him constantly, but I can't help it. He just smells so good. Old Spice, but mixed his own natural scent that I can't seem to put into words. There's no way to describe it. All of the sudden I feel self conscious. Do I smell good? Is he addicted to my scent? Did I put on deodorant this morning...?

"What's on your mind, lil' thang?" he murmurs.

"Nothing. I just don't wanna leave." I whine like a child. "You're so warm and snuggly..."

"So is your bed." 

"Are you saying-" I start to tease, smirking and wiggling my eyebrows.

"No, you dirty minded demon spawn, I meant your bed is just as warm and snuggly as I am. You have to go. I can text you..."

I smirk at how easily flustered he is. "Fine. But my bed isn't cute and sweet like you!"

"And I'm usually the sap. Come on, I don't want your dad to hate me... and my fingers are freezing."

I roll my eyes again and grab his hand from my shoulder, holding it up to my face. I singularly kiss every cold finger, then I hold the palm of his hand to my cheek. I rest the side of my forehead to his collarbone hold his hand between my cheek and his chest.

"You're so romantic tonight. I love it." He chuckles as I nuzzle into his hand to warm him up. "I bet your dad is cursing my name at the moment."

I scoff. "He can wait a second."

He places his free hand on my other cheek and detaches my face from his shirt. His smile widens as he leans down a bit to place a quick kiss on the tip of my nose. I giggle and place one last kiss to his warm lips, sliding my hands up his arms to rest on the back of his neck.

Almost immediately after my lips touch his, I feel an explosive, almost loose feeling spread in my chest. It feels almost like something was unraveled, like a flower ripening into a fruit. The once beautiful flower is now a delicious looking fruit, perfectly out of reach, tantalizingly temptating, begging to be snatched from it's branch. I'd like nothing more than to somehow get the fruit in my grasp, to sink my teeth into it. But I can't reach it. Not yet.

He's the one to pull away. Without a word, I back up and turn to the door.

"I'll text you..." my voice is barely above a whisper as I open the door. He nods and runs a hand through his hair. We share one last longing glance, and the door snaps shut.

I let out a sigh and slump against the closed door, a huge dopey smile on my face. I run my fingers lightly over my lips, a spot he kissed countless times tonight. My fingertips slide down to my jawline, where he dusted feather kisses to in the car. I close my eyes and imagine how his lips felt there, my heart fluttering just like it did in the moment.

My phone buzzes from my pocket and I'm quick to pull it out and unlock it.

Scoot<3- imy already beautiful


This boy.


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