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~Yes I did just use that picture, and yes I did just upload a prologue. Stop judging me you maggot!~

I can't believe I thought that was funny. This is so cringy.

The anxious butterflies in my stomach are so intense I feel like throwing up. I glance around at the dark walls of the hallway as I shuffle my brand new shoes through the sea of children of all different shapes and sizes. They are almost all taller than me. I desperately search for the room number that is written on the note card in my hand, but it's taking way too long. Most of the people have disappeared into classrooms, and I'm still strolling around, probably looking like a complete idiot.

B137... B137...

I spot the classroom right as my new teacher is swinging the door closed.

Slipping under her arm, I scan the room for a vacant seat, and I see one near the back. I whisper a mumbled apology to the woman, then I walk head-down to the single empty seat. I can feel eyes on the back of my head.

I plop down, glancing around at the stares from my peers, who are all looking at me like I'm a science experiment they're analyzing. I feel uncomfortable, shifting in my seat as the teacher starts taking attendance.

My eyes drift up to the woman up front, but a blonde head is blocking my view. Great. My first day of school and I can't even learn anything due to this freakishly tall fourth grader that is conveniently sitting in front of me.

"Hello class, time to introduce ourselves." The voice of a kind sounding woman says with a warm tone, "I'm Mrs. Franklin, I've been teaching for 15 years...." Blah, blah, blah. Like I would pay attention. I hear a few animated beeps and a bloop, the noise coming from the direction of the giraffe in front of me.

"Scott Hoying, if you do not put that Tamagotchi away this instance it will be mine!" Mrs. Franklin snaps, suddenly strict. I smirk up to see the boy jump, peering around while blushing profusely. He sticks the small gadget in his pocket and stares down at the floor. I hear a few snickers as drop my eyes, feeling slightly sorry for this blonde haired boy named Scott. Sure, he completely blocks my vision of the classroom, but I want to talk to him. His eyes are pretty.

"Now for you guys!" Mrs. Franklin exclaimes to silence the faint giggles. "We can go up the rows. All you have to do is stand, say your name, and give a small description of yourself. Kirstin, how about you start?"

I'm on edge until my turn comes around. I hesitated and stood, standing awkwardly next to my desk. Scott is bouncing his leg, clearly bored. I clear my throat and began.

"My name is Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi.... I-I'm ten years old, and I just switched to this school this year." I pause, embarrassed by how my high pitched voice rings throughout the silent classroom, feeling all eyes on me again. "I'm really into music, and I love acting. There's not really anything else..." I trail off, my face getting hotter and hotter. I peek at Mrs. Franklin to be dismissed. She waves for me to sit down and gladly oblige.

I'm lost in my head until Scott stands up and starts speaking. He was definitely tall, even at this age.

"I'm Scott Richard Hoying, as you might already know. I'm in most of the school plays and singing is my favorite thing to do." His voice is confident, even after being called out in class.

"Thank you Scott. Next please!"


When the day finally draws to an end and the bell rings, I am the last one out, as usual. I collect my things and start making my way through the babbling crowd to find the exit. I spot Scott easily, leaning over a table while writing something with a pen. The neon poster catches my eye above the table, reading: "Drama Sign Ups; Try Outs Tuesday 3-5:00 p.m."

He stands up straight and walks back over to his group of friends. I weave my way through the kids around me until I reach the table. On the surface is a paper that reads: "CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY: The Musical". Underneath the bold lettering are a few rows of lines. The first line holds Scott's sloppy signature.

I guess I'll sign up. I mean, I do love acting and singing. I think being in a musical will be fun, and my mom did tell me to try and get involved. I didn't want to admit, but the main reason was that Scott Hoying would be in it with me.

~I'm sorry its so short. At least I finished it! Wattpad was being a brat and decided to delete half of this. But we got there! Chapter 1 will be up in a few minutes!

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