Taehyung's phone dinged and he quickly removed it from his pants' pocket.  He smiled down at the phone and Jungkook and Jimin looked at each other before both jabbing the boy in the sides.  

"What was that?" demanded Jimin, hating to be left out of the loop, no matter how small that loop might be.

"Ah...I'm working so hard on my English.  I signed up on some app.  My language partner just messaged me. Um...I think I'm gonna go lay down for a little bit," he said, smiling widely.  Before either of the other two boys could protest and demand to know all of Taehyung's secrets, he scurried off to his room, shutting the door heavily.

Jimin and Jungkook both jumped at the sound of the slamming door.  Jimin looked over to Jungkook and smiled a wide smile.  "So...do you want-"

Jungkook jumped up off the couch and grabbed his jacket that was laying nearby.  "Nope.  I have stuff to do."  He adjusted the collar and shook his shoulders into the sleeves. 

Jimin gasped.  "What kind of stuff?!"  He stood up off the couch quickly and walked around to stand in front of the maknae. 

Jungkook shrugged and grinned.  "I'm going to the company.  I feel like catching up on some fan mail today." 

"Fanmail?!"  Jimin had never known Jungkook to enjoy laboring through piles of fanmail.  He sighed and nodded his head, feeling defeated.  "Fine.  Go." 

"What will you be doing?" asked Jungkook.  He slung his backpack up over his shoulders and adjusted the load as he spoke. 

"I was going to go for coffee and wanted a friend to go with me but I guess I am having coffee alone," he said softly, trying to sound pitiful and sad.

Jungkook clapped a strong hand on his friend's shoulder, smiled, and then gave his friend a firm nod.  "Well, I would say never drink alone, hyung, but it's just coffee."  He giggled and gave Jimin a small salute and then left. 

Jimin stood in the middle of the empty room and looked around.  He was alone.  Somehow that felt like a metaphor for the rest of his life.  He looked down at his watch and felt like he could eat something.  He rubbed his stomach slightly and then sighed, grabbing his jacket.  A small sneaky grin spread across his face and he plotted out his route to his new favorite shop.

* * *

Gina groaned as she woke up from a short nap. Her bloodshot eyes roamed the room and came to rest on the girl standing in front of the mirror. "You've had that dumb grin on your face since last night. What happened...wait, don't answer that. People are usually only happy like this-"

"Gina! Stop right there," screeched Nari, embarrassment becoming evident on her face. "That kind of thing did not happen."

"Yeah, fine. I'll take your word for it." Gina sat up on the edge of her bed, careful not to bump her head on the top bunk above her. "So how was the fansign?" she yawned, scrubbing her hands in her washed-out pink hair.

"It was fine. I'm glad they're over though. I'm ready to get back to a normal routine." Nari sighed and used a tiny bit of hair product to smooth down some short hairs on the crown of her head. She glanced over at Gina, who was laying her head on her knees. "Why are you so tired?"

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