The bookstore suddenly opened, distracting him from his thoughts, and when he looked that way, he realized it was Zayn.

And that was someone else he had yet to tell about the pregnancy, although he had been seeing him a lot for the past few weeks.

"Hey, Lou" Zayn smiled at him.

"Hi" Louis greeted him, coming down the ladder "Are you looking for a book?".

"No, I was looking for you" Zayn said as he came up to him.


"I thought we could go have dinner somewhere?" Zayn proposed.

"I don't get off for another hour-" Louis started.

"Yes, I know, I have a NA meeting, but when I finish I thought I can come back, and we can go somewhere nearby?" Zayn asked smiling.

"Uhm..." Louis hesitated, but not because he didn't want to have dinner with Zayn "I'm kind of tired, so I was actually looking forward to go home, change into something comfy and watch Netflix".


"But we could do that together?" Louis offered, seeing the disappointment in Zayn's eyes "We can cook something or order takeout and watch a movie".

"Yeah?" Zayn smiled again.

"That was what I was going to do anyway, but it's better with company" Louis said honestly.

"Okay, great" Zayn agreed "I'll come pick you up at 6, and we'll walk to your place together?".

"Sounds like a plan" Louis agreed.

"Alright, I'll see you in an hour" Zayn stated, and walked to the door "Bye".

"Bye" Louis said back, and then went back to the ladder to continue working.

"Louis" Virginia said, after Zayn left.

"Yes?" Louis asked.

"You didn't tell me you were back with that boy" Virginia commented.

Her tone was disapproving, which Louis understood; she had witnessed first hand everything Zayn had put him though for the past years, and she had never been one to bite her tongue, so he knew she didn't like Zayn.

"I'm not, we're just friends" Louis explained.

"Does he know that?" Virginia asked skeptical "Because he just asked you on a date".

"It's not a date, I told him I didn't want to get back together with him, and he agreed to us just being friends" Louis told her.

"Do you think it's a good idea to be friends with an ex boyfriend, one who clearly wants to get back together with you?" Virginia asked.

"I know it's probably not, but he got clean, and he needs a friend to talk to, and to help him stay away from drugs" said Louis.

"Does he know about your baby yet?" questioned Virginia.

"No" Louis shook his head "But I'm probably going to tell him today".

"Maybe that will dissuade him from pursuing you" Virginia considered.

"Yeah, maybe" Louis agreed.

That was the last about the Zayn conversation, and Virginia let him continue working while she went to the back of the store, to do god knows what, and then she went home 10 minutes before closing time, leaving Louis in charge to do that, like most days.

And just as Louis was getting his things ready to leave at 6 o'clock sharp, Zayn came back, so they closed the store together, and were on their way to Louis' flat.

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