Chapter One

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"You be careful tonight," Roger mumbled to his close friend Conrad as he watched him pack a small bag with a bit of food, water, and a knife. "You know there's that storm approaching, and giants may take that opportunity to try and attack."

"I know Roger. I will be careful." Slinging the satchel over his shoulder, Conrad smiled at his friend. "I'll be back near 2 A.M. as I always am on my days to patrol." With a small chuckle, he headed to the door and laid his hand on the handle. "I promise." With a smile, he pushed the door open and headed out into the dim light of the setting sun.

He walked for maybe ten minutes, looking around the mountain-ish terrain. Humming quietly, he kept his eyes out for any giants when his eyes fell on a cave. Slowly he began to make his way over when a loud noise made him jump and his eyes shot around to try and find the source.

As he looked, the winds began to pick up. He frowned, gripping onto his satchel and looked around the area quickly before he continued walking. A loud clap of thunder made him start to worry. The storm blew in faster than he thought, and he needed to get to shelter. 

Looking back to the cave, he took a deep breath and decided to risk it, running as fast as he could to get it for shelter. With his torch gripped tight in his hand, rain began to patter down on his head just as he made it into the cave, panting, trying to catch his breath.

He collapsed to his knees, leaning his torch against the wall as he dug through his satchel and grabbed his leather water pouch. Popping the lid off, he took a long swig of water and panted softly when he heard a quiet sneeze from the back of the cave and his eyes shot over in a panic.

"Who's there?!" He demanded, rising to his feet as the wind howled outside the cave. "Show yourself!" He snatched his torch up, trying to get the light to the back of the cave without getting too close.

A large shadow shifted away from the light and the torch clattered to the floor as he gasped, backing away. "G-Giants are not to be this close to town!" He shouted, pushing the fear away in his voice when he heard what sounded to be a quiet sob. Was it...crying? "Show yourself!" He demanded again, eyes narrowing. 

"P-Please don't hurt me." A quiet voice mumbled from the back of the cave through what sounded to be choked sobs. "I-I didn't wanna be l-left out in the storm. P-Please." It pleaded with him, and the voice sounded rather young.

Slowly, Conrad picked up his torch and took a few small steps towards the voice. It was then the light brought their face into view, and much to Conrad's surprise it was a young child giant, maybe five or six. His eyes widened as he stared up at it, slowly backing away. 

"N-No, don't go e-either. I'm scared of humans...but I also don't want to be alone." She whispered down to him, and before he had time to react the young giant's hand was around his torso and he lifted off the safety of the ground. 

"H-Hey, let me go!" He shouted as he struggled, staring into the child's brown eyes. But he was surprised when he only saw pure terror, aimed at him. Even though she could easily crush him right now, she was terrified. 

His eyes softened ever so slightly as he placed a hand on hers. "N-Now, there's no need to be afraid, it's just a storm." He mumbled, feeling slightly awkward about the whole thing. 

"I-I know, b-but my mommy and daddy aren't h-here to help me feel safe. W-Will you at least stay Mr. Human?" She asked quietly as she laid down on the hard surface of the cave floor.

Conrad, still surprised could only nod. "A-Alright kid. But, why aren't your mother and father around? Are they hunting us or something?" 

"No! Mommy and daddy were hunted by your kind! H-Humans came and tied mommy down, and killed daddy a bit before her...I-I ran away before I saw mommy die because I didn't w-want to see it." 

Conrad's chest tightened at the fact that his race was the reason this young child didn't have her family. Shaking his head quickly, he frowned. No, giants are giants, they're all evil. Surely the two were trying to hurt his own kind, and that's why they were killed. That's what all stories told him of course. As he opened his mouth to talk, he didn't bother when he heard quiet snoring from the young child.

With a frown, he closed his eyes still gripped by the giant child and forced himself to get some sleep as he hoped the storm would be gone by morning. After all, he couldn't go anywhere. 

Misunderstandings ((G/T))जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें