Chapter 20

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Salaam Alaykum
I am giving a warning that the chapters will Insha'Allah be increasing in detail therefore making the chapters longer. Those who were reading before they were short and brief at 500 words each. Very short even for me. Please make me maaf if it angers or upsets you. And to those who stick with me. Your support I am indebted to.

As Warda woke up the next day she felt alive. Her heart began to beat fast. Today was the day. She would present the project. She felt her nerves tighten as her mind ran through all the worries and all the things that could go wrong. She sighed as she got up. Walking to the bathroom she looked into the mirror. She wondered how she could only are ugly. How could everyone else say she was beautiful? She took the razor from the counter in her bedroom. As she slowly closed her eyes. She felt the stinging of the blade. Followed by a wave of peace. As she felt the warm blood begin to flow down her wrist. She could feel its thickness. She could sense that it was thicker and warmer than normal.  As she slowly began to become dizzy. She grabbed onto the counter for balance. As she slowly began to realize she cut too deep. As she covered her cut she could barely call for anyone. As she hit the floor of the bathroom. Her parents heard the thud. As they called out to her they got no response. Her mom decided to go see what it was.  As she came into Warda's room she saw that there was blood. The mom screamed for someone to call 911. As she ran to the bathroom.
"Warda! My baby!" The mother screamed in Urdu.
"What happened?" Her father asked frantically. He had the phone against his ear and was describing the scene to the operator.
"Yes that is our address." Her father said to the operator. "Yes. There is lots of blood. Let me check." The father keeled by his bleeding daughter. Her eyes closed. As he felt her for a pulse. "She has one. But..." the father began to choke on his tears. "It is very weak." He began to sob. As he went downstairs to keep the other kids from seeing anything. As the ambulance could be heard in the background. The mother looked at Warda. Rubbing her head as her tears fell on her daughter. Her only daughter. As she began to wipe her tears. She saw something by her hand. The razor. Still fresh with the blood of her daughter. Her mother held her daughter's head on her lap. Not minding the blood staining her clothes as she rubbed her daughter's head.
"Oh Allah. Please not yet. Please not yet. She will be in Jahannam first if you take her now. Oh Allah..." The mother held her daughter's hand as the medical team took Warda into the ambulance. The mother would ride along and the father would take the kids to school.
But the father had another thought as well. He saw how strong Syed was. And how protective he was. Perhaps he could help his daughter. It was no secret to the father what his daughter did. He did not know how to approach her about it. He felt it was his fault. As he dropped the children off he went to the high school to drop off Abdur Rahman. When he saw Syed also passing by.
"Syed I do not have time to explain." The father said. "How did you get to school?" Syed pointed to his motorcycle parked.
"Follow my car." The father requested. The worried look in the fathers eyes was more than enough to tell Syed something was wrong. As he nodded he ran to his motorcycle.  Starting it up as he felt the wind through his short hair as he followed the father. Wondering what had happened. Syed knew a man never has that worried look. Unless something which he cares about is gone or hurt. Syed sighed. He had a feeling it had to do with Warda.
"The idiot probably chose her fight." He sighed to himself as he looked up in terror. The hospital lay in front of them. The one Syed always went to when he was very injured in a fight.

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