Chapter 6

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Warda couldn't stop smiling. The bad boy in school was her partner. She heard rumors about him. And until that project was due she intended to learn everything about him. She kept on letting her mind free. Thinking of different scenarios. Wondering what he did in his free time. Wondering if he was really as heartless as people say or if beneath that bad boy was a normal person trying to break free. Warda tapped her pencil on the counter as she waited for Syed. Probably ditched. Doesn't need a loser like me around him.  She sighed just as a bag dropped next to her. She looked up. Syed looked right down at her. His eyes looked as if they could see through her facade she put on. As if he knew she was hurt. Wanting to just get life over with.
"So where do we start?" She asked.
"I'll do the research. You present." Syed said.
"Uh no. I can't..." Warda said shyly.
"And why is that?" Syed asked.
"'s in front of people."
"Oh shut up. It isn't that bad."
"If it isn't so bad, you do it."
"And why is that?" She said. Starring at Syed as he gripped his hands together.
"I won't be in school."
"Why no..." She said before he interrupted her.
"I just won't. I'll research and you present." They both sighed.
"Can...can I at least help you?" She asked in a concerned tone. Her eyes showing worry. Even she didn't know why. He nodded his head. As the day turned into night Syed and Warda printed their information as the library was closing. Warda tried to call her mom, but to no avail as her mom wouldn't pick up.
"She is mad."
"How do you know?" Syed asked.
"She isn't picking up." Warda said. As she began to twiddle her thumbs.
"Come. I'll take you home." Syed said as he stood up. Grabbing his bag.
"No it's okay. I'll just take the beating."
"No maybe she'll calm down when she realizes the felon of the city brought you home." Warda sighed. Grabbing her bag. She was too exhausted to argue as she walked with him out of the school.
As they began the walk to her house she stayed close to him. Afraid someone would hurt her.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"Why are you always angry?" She asked in a soft tone.
"Why does it matter? You won't stick around long enough."
"Come on. Tell me. Pleeeaaasssee" she said with pleading eyes. Hoping he had a soul.
"But.. I asked so nicely." She said. She looked at him under the street lights.
"And I gave an answer. Be thankful for that." He said as his walking speed increased. She ran to catch up to him.
"So... Do you live alone?" She asked.
"Yes. Do you intend on moving in?" He asked in a straight forward tone.
"Well no... But I mean... Never mind." As they reached her house she went up to the front door.
"Where have you been!" Her mother screamed in Urdu. "Don't you know you need to tell me where you are!" She looked at Syed. "And who is this boy? Are you dating hi.."
"I'm a guardian. Just bringing your daughter home." Warda giggled as her dad came to the door.
"You must be hungry."
"I'm fine." Syed said.
"No you must eat. After all you brought her home." Syed sighed. Looked at his watch before going up the steps. Stupid Desi culture.  He thought to himself as he entered the house.

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