Chapter 17

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"Don't sleep." Warda cautioned Syed. "I have to go soon. My family will worry about me." she said as she slowly stood up. Looking at him. Suddenly she did not see a man with scars. She saw a man who had a history. She knew he was bad. The whole school knew. But that did not stop her. She could only think of one reason why she understood him. He was hurt. Just like she is. She gave him a half smile as she left. Sighing as soon as she got outside.
"I love you." she silently whispered to herself as she walked home. When she got home she was surprised to see a police cruiser parked outside her house. She began to get nervous as she walked inside.
"Mom? I am home." she called out as she looked around the house. She saw her mom, sax, and two police officers sitting in the living room.
"Warda this is Officer Richard and Officer Micheal." the dad indicated to the two police officers. One was light skin. With glasses and short brown hair. The other was very dark and short, black, curly hair.
"Hi." Warda said shyly as she looked down.
"Warda please have a seat." The officer with glasses asked.
"Okay" she said hesitantly. "What is your name?" she asked the officer with the glasses.
"I am Richard." he said. "I would like to ask you about your friendship with Syed."
"Why?" Warda asked.
"We were told that you and him were close." he said firmly.
"We don't mean to harm him. I promise." The other officer, who she assumed was Micheal, said.
Just then the door opened and Syed came in.
"Syed?" both officers asked in unison.
"Isn't that cute. Police officers finishing each others sentences." Syed said dryly.
"How did you know they would be here?" Warda asked. Her mouth hanging open.
"I know police and they like building a case. So I figured Chelsea called them and they will come to you first." Syed said.
"Syed I am afraid you are too late. We have enough witnesses against you." Officer Michael said.
"Your witnesses mean nothing to me. I came here to make sure she stays safe." He said whilst pointing to Warda. "You hurt her and I will be your problem."
"Syed. I am fine. See?" she said while standing up and twirling around. "Relax. I am fine." she walked over and hugged him. She knew her parents would scold her after, but right now if she did not... She was sure someone would be hit with a tree branch. "Syed..... I love you." she whispered. "If you love me then please don't hurt anyone." she pleaded quietly as she began to cry silently. "I... I can't lose you.... If you love me then promise me you won't hurt these officers." she looked up at him. Shocked to see he was returning her gaze. She could feel his heart beating. She could hear his breathing. She could feel every pulsing beat of his veins as he hugged her.

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