"Well I guess we will go then," Zeidan says with a smile.

Zeidan and Bellatrix walk out of the room and Zachaes walks over to the chair next to the hospital bed. He sighs happily and eventually falls asleep.


"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Jinelle screams at Jenova.

Zachaes is still sleeping soundly. Jenova continues to try to walk around Jinelle to get to that stupid hybrid, but Jinelle matches every step she takes. The hybrid starts crying and screaming and Jenova takes that as an opportunity as Jinelle is distracted. She lunges for the crib only to be stopped in midair. Suddenly an unimaginable force wraps around her throat. She turns to see an angry Queen Vivianne. Jinelle looks at Vivianne and nods to her. Jenova continues to gasp for breath and silently pleads for Lilith to hear her and spare her life. Suddenly Jenova disappears.

"Where the hell did she go?" Jinelle asks in panic.

"Looks like our little Jenova has an outside source aiding her," Vivianne replies.

Jinelle walks over to Sophia and picks her up. She runs her hand across Sophia's fuzzy head and Sophia calms down. Sophia looks at Vivianne and giggles. Jinelle walks over to Vivianne and hands Sophia to her.

"What is the name of my grand Baby?" Vivianne asks.

"This is Sophia," Jinelle smiles.

"What is her middle name?"

"We thought we'd let you decide that."

"What about Dezzerae?"

"I love it. Sophia Dezzerae Morgan."

"Looks like someone is out cold," Vivianne observes her sleeping son.

Jinelle laughs. "He can sleep through anything."

Zachaes groggily wakes up and sees his mother. He sits up straight and looks around.

"What did I miss?" He asks innocently.

"Jenova trying to kill our child," Jinelle replies casually.

"Good thing I got here when I did," Vivianne says smugly.

Zachaes groans and stands up. "I'm going to be an awful father."

"Now don't say that," Jinelle comforts "You're a heavy sleeper so I will take care of nights. But in return you have to take care of all of the gross diapers," she teases.


"You have failed me again," Lilith hisses to the stupid vampire before her.

"I'm sorry!" Jenova cries.

"I gave you one task! Kill the baby! And you can't accomplish such simple things!"

"If this is so important to you, why don't you do it?"

"It is not the time to reveal myself."

"What are you anyways?"

"Part witch, part demon, wife to Hades of the underworld."

Jenova gasps and takes an involuntary step back. "What have I gotten myself into?"

"Are you going to help me or not?!"

"No, I can't aid evil, I just can't. That is what I was trying to destroy in the first place!"

"Then forget your redemption! You are no longer under my protection. Now get out of my sight."

"What? No! Please! I'm too young to die!"

"You should've thought of that before you broke your promise."


"Am I mistaken, or did you have an affair with a werewolf?"

"Yes, I did..."

"You were never fit for this project anyways. Have fun with your last few days. Too bad you won't be able to have your child."

"What? I can't be pregnant!"

"The child has taken a long while to develop, but it is there. It is a baby boy."

"How do I know you aren't lying?"

"I can't wait to see you rot to nothing, with your unborn child inside of you."

"No... NO!!!! YOU HAVE TO HELP ME!!"

"Ha, I love your incoherence to the world around you. First you make a deal with Queen of the underworld, second in command to purgatory, then you bail, then go back on your word and ask for help! You've had your chance!"

"Please, I can't let a baby die and have the blood on my hands."

"Oh, I guess that means I can't either. It's too bad you are most certainly wrong."

"You are a monster! You will get what you deserve one day, and you will go to Hell for it."

Lilith lets out a bone chilling laugh. "Darling, I have been there many times before. I know I'm a monster. You act like it is something to be ashamed of. Now get out of my sight before I kill you myself."

Jenova takes one last glance at the terrifying woman before her and scrambles out of the cave.

What have I done? She thinks.

Her original goal was to kill a hybrid baby, now she has one growing inside of her.

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