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"Oh, I'm doing nothing at the moment really." You fiddle with your fingers as you are in the call with one of your close friends, Ryan.

The lock on the door turns, and Shawn comes in, sliding his guitar case off his shoulders and dumping it on the entrance of the house. He storms up the stairs and you glance at him strangely. Shrugging it off, you continue the call with Ryan.

"Sure, I mean Shawn isn't busy at the moment so I mean I'll be there soon. Pizza Hut seems great!"

You slip on a pair of converse and walk upstairs to check on Shawn. He didn't look that satisfied when he came in.

The door to your shared bedroom was slightly opened, so you slowly push it open. Shawn is there, sprawled over the bed, looking fed up with everything.

"Is everything alright?" Shawn doesn't reply and stares at the ceiling blankly.

"Shawn I'm gonna ask you again, is everything alright?" You ask hesitantly. Yet again, he does the same thing and keeps his mouth shut.

"Alright, because I'm gonna have lunch with Ryan judging that you're perfectly fine with it." That was when he paid attention.

Shawn shoots up from the bed, his hazel eyes gradually fading into a dark, misty brown.

"Ryan?" He questions you as he raises from the bed.

"Yes, Ryan." A smirk is plastered on your face.

"Do you have a problem with that?" You ask, slowly nearing towards Shawn, tilting your head to the right and folding your arms. He scoffs and plays it cool, but deep down you knew he didn't like it at all.

"Oh, uh yeah go on it's fine." He said, clenching his jaw.

"Okay, I'll go, have all the fun in the world with my best, best friend Ryan, and I'll be fine because my boyfriend is totally fine with it, right Shawn?" You emphasise some of the words to purposely set Shawn on the edge.

His fists balled up and his knuckles faded into a pale beige colour, his face becoming red by the second. Another smirk became evident on your face as you slowly back away, exiting the bedroom and down the stairs into the living room.

You walk out of the house whistling, twirling the house keys in your hand. You walk to the nearest Pizza Hut restaurant, tugging your coat closer, speeding up your face to make sure you weren't late.

You saw Ryan waiting patiently outside the door of the restaurant. He spots you and his eyes immediately light up. You haven't seen each other in ages. You embrace him in a warm hug and walk into Pizza Hut. You shudder in desperation of warmth.

"Do you want my coat?" He asks, as a kind gesture.

"Oh, uh, it's perfectly fine. It's really warm in here after all." You take your coat off, revealing a very wooly cardigan.

You make your orders and take your seats nearest to the large glass window.

"So, how's everything been lately?" You ask Ryan, rubbing your hands together.

"It's all good, how's Shawn?"

"He's great, he seemed pretty grumpy a few hours ago. He will be fine though, I guarantee it." Ryan chuckles as you roll your eyes.

The door swings open, and in comes a rather tall man, dressed in black from head to toe. He was wearing black tinted ray bans and black boots.

He kept looking at you.

"He oddly looks like Shawn" you thought to yourself. You shrugged it off and continued to make small talk with Ryan.

Your pizzas come in and still, the Shawn looking dude had his eyes glued on you throughout the entire meal. It was quite uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Ryan interrupts the awkwardness by speaking up.

"Is something wrong y/n?"

"Uh, that dude keeps looking at me and it's weird." You say, leaning in to whisper in his ear. He spots the guy and shrugs it off. The Shawn lookalike was fairly close to your table.

"We will be leaving soon anyways, he'll stop sooner or later." His words of reassurance comfort you.

You turn to face the window of the restaurant, and you can see raindrops trickle down onto the ground. Sharply, a loud clap of thunder occurs, and a bolt of lightning strikes, the rain becoming even more heavier.

"Well I guess we have to wait even longer because I don't want to walk out drenched in water." You smile, looking down at your finished large pizza.

"Hey y/n?" Ryan asks. You look up to him and you see him smiling.

"You look really pretty tonight" You gush awfully at the compliment, and tuck a piece of hair behind your ear.

You then feel a sharp tug on your cardigan, and you're being dragged out of the restaurant. You try very hard to get out of the strangers firm grip, but it didn't do any good.

Finally, the person lets you go, and you widen your eyes in shock at who the man covered in all black was.


"What the hell are you doing here Shawn?!" You bellow at him, hands on your waist, waiting for a valid answer.

"I don't trust that Ryan guy, did you see the way he was looking at you!?" He shouts back, pointing back at the restaurant. You guys were directly behind Shawn's car.

You roll your eyes and fold your arms. He was simply being pathetic.

"You know, you should've told me that you weren't fine with it, because you literally said 'go ahead it's fine'."

"Well, minds change y/n! That wasn't my fault!" Shawn's voice raises by every word, and his eyes become a darker shade of brown.

You snort and burst into a fit of laughter.

"What's so funny?"

"You're jealous Shawn. It's so obvious." You exclaim, shaking your head as you're still laughing. Eventually, you stop and Shawn is still looking you dead in the eyes.

"What?" You question him, confusion filling you.

He licks his plump lips and pushes you against the window of his car. You are startled and lost for words, but go along for no reason.


"Hey." You smile back at him.

Abruptly, he crashes his lips against yours in great need. He trails his large hand down to your waist, pinning them back, stopping you from proceeding with any further actions.

"You're all mine. Not Ryan's. Mine." He whispers towards your neck, his minty breath hitting the surface of your only piece of exposed skin. You roll your neck and close your eyes back in pleasure, in need for more, but the rain was coming down harder than ever before, the thunder clapping even louder.

"Shawn." You breath out, breaking away from the passionate kiss. "What was that for?" You're still dumbfounded by his actions.

"Maybe I was jealous after all."


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