Walking In The Wind

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A/n: Yes this is another imagine inspired by 'Walking In The Wind' by One Direction.


A week ago, you said to me "Do you believe I'll never be too far?" If you're lost just look for me, you'll  find me in the region of the summer stars.

Biting your nails, whilst you rock yourself back and forth on the heels of your battered red converse. Your eyes never leave the flight board, instantly scanning each new flight coming in. Shawn stands beside you, gently wrapping his arms around your stiff frame. You were dreading the moment where you saw him leave for 8 months, and that could be any second now.

He gently grabs your hand and you lean your head against his shoulder.

"It's gonna be alright. You're gonna be alright." He whispers into your hair. You nod your head in response and take steady and even breaths to try and relieve the stress.

"You'll believe I'll never be too far?" As you say this, your voice cracks and you slowly feel your vision starting to blur. You blink rapidly a few times and feel the multiple tears stain your cheek.

"Never." He replies.

A necessity for apologies between you and me, baby there is none.

"Sorry" you say as you still hold his hand tightly, hanging your head down in defeat.

"For what?"

"I-I- don't know, I'm sorry for acting like a total crybaby. I mean look at me. What is all this?" You say, motioning your hands up and down your body, stopping at your face. He lightly laughs and you feel a small tug inside your stomach. It lights up your day.

We had some good times didn't we? We had some good tricks up our sleeves.

"Oh my goodness, remember when you forced me to go on a rollercoaster for the first time and I was literally gonna have a heart attack?" You joke, tugging at Shawn's sleeve of his hoodie. His face instantly lights up and he flashes the biggest smile, reminiscing about the great past.

"Oh, and the time we both had a paint fight just a few months back? That was amazing, wasn't it?" You smile and nod your head, sighing heavily about the best times you guys had.

Goodbyes are bittersweet, but it's not the end, I'll see your face again.

"Flight 402 boards in 15 minutes. Everyone boarding flight 402 can you please make your way to terminal 3, that's all passengers boarding flight 402 make your way to terminal 3." The loudspeaker calls out.

You turn to face him, and probably squeezed him until you cut off his blood circulation. He does the same to you and you let go before he could miss his flight.

"I'll see your face again." He says, placing a soft kiss on your lips, you smile warmly and sigh, enjoying the final time you'll ever get to be by his side again. And before you know it, you're seeing your everything walk off into the busy terminal.

A/n: I don't have any words for this. I like it a lot but it's so sad yet heartwarming at the same time.

~Hanna ✨

Shawn Mendes ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora