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Nothing's worse than spending a night in a freezing cold house with no electricity or heat. Especially when you're afraid of storms. Lying in bed, trembling with fear, as each lightning strikes and each thunder roars. You let tears slowly glide down ur cheek as you think about your ex who had broken your heart several days ago.

Over the rumble of thunder, you question yourself as to why you can hear faint knocks. You begin to slowly get out of bed, still frightened by the thunder, and make your way towards the front door of the house. Each step you take, the knocking sound increases.

You're face to face with the door, wondering whether you should open it or not. You hesitantly unlock the door to be faced with Shawn. Shawn Mendes. The guy that has been chasing you all his life but you don't really seem to notice. In one hand is the umbrella keeping him dry, and in the other is a rose.

"I remember you telling me once you're afraid of storms." You smile a little, letting him in and he hands you the rose. Your favourite one of a kind rose. "Also... I got you this rose and I need to know, will you let it die or let it grow?"

Your heart melts as you hear these words and you perceive how much you have rejected him. You knew him for a very long time. Almost too long. You didn't say anything but you took the rose and guided Shawn to your room. You place the rose in a vase by your window and you lay down hoping that Shawn would say something.

"I'm scared." You say, just after you hear another thunder. Shawn leisurely lays beside you and wraps his arms around you. You have never felt more protected in your life. Seconds pass and you don't hear the thunder but it's still there. You don't hear it because you're lost in the arms of Shawn. You can only feel his strong arms around your waist and soft breath on your neck.

"You don't know how long I've loved you for. Will you please give me a chance?" He calmly but intensely whispers, breaking your thoughts. You try to understand that he has been in your life for so long and you have only registered now that he has had feelings for you. And maybe you had feelings for him but you just didn't know.

"Thank you Shawn. For staying in my life." Sudden flashbacks from times Shawn has helped you came flooding in. You realise how much trouble you have given him.

"I'll take that as a yes." You notice he loosens up a bit and his voice sounds less stressed and less anxious. "I know I can treat you better than he can. I promise I'll never let you down." And that was when it clicked. That was when you knew he was the one.

A/n - yo ma peeps. Lmao, so this is Zehna, Hanna's co worker XD. So yh this is my imagine, hope u liked it. Vote, comment and stuff.


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