Valentine's day

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It's February 14th, Valentine's Day. Nothing special, just a normal day to you as always. Work, study, watch Netflix and sleep. That was your plan for the day.

You scoff at the idea of how stupid and how big of a deal February 14th was made. Couples around every corner, receiving gifts. It was basically Christmas on a February, but just with more kisses and all the romantic stuff.

You blast Ed Sheeran's song Take It Back on your phone, as for you, it was the best way to wake yourself up after taking a peaceful nap. Luckily for you, it was snowing heavily outside, snowflakes of every shape and size covering all surfaces.

Hours pass, and it was nearing dusk. Your phone beeps in the pocket of your robe.

Shawn: meet me at grange park at 7.

You: sure thing??? why though

Shawn: you'll see

Confusion hits you as you had no clue why he wanted you to meet him at the park.

It was currently 5:45, which meant that you had 1 hour and 15 minutes to prepare. After all, you probably only needed 20, so you spent your free time studying for your upcoming exams.

Your phone buzzes violently next to you as you hold your pen between your teeth. It lights up and you see another text message.

Shawn: actually, come at 6:30, I've got something to show you

You: fool

Shawn: hey that's not my fault

You: it's your fault you didn't plan this out properly

Shawn: shut uppp

You: gladly :)

6:14. The moon was starting to show, indicating that it would probably start to get more chillier outside. Grange Park was a long walk from your dorm, so you grab your parka from the door hanger and fiddle with the keys to find the correct one to open the door.

Eventually, you manage to open the door and wait at the bus stop. The lamp posts were flickering, each one starting to blaze off and die out. It was pitch black now, but cars seemed to pass by, with their lights that lit up the street.

The bus comes, and barely anyone is in it. You scan your cars and place a seat at the back, taking your phone out, killing time by looking at your exam schedule for next week.

6:22. 8 minutes otherwise Shawn would complain and start a large lecture about being late. Hopefully that wouldn't happen. The bus was stuck in traffic you you get off the next stop, which wasn't Grange park.

Fortunately, there were bright lamp posts illuminating the cold, gravel street. You made a run down the street, getting tired and slowing down to a fast speed walk. You checked the time again.

6:26. 4 minutes left. You had to be on time. The park was getting near, you could see it just around the corner. With all your might, you sprint as fast as you could, and you reach the park in record time.

6:31. Shit.

You enter the park, in search of Shawn. There were lights surrounding the entire area. Your phone starts to ring, and it's Shawn's contact. You accept the call and place the phone on your ear.

"Hey, I'm in the park right now but I can't seem to find you. Where are you?" You say, out of breath and extremely tired.

"I think I can see you. Can you see someone waving? That's me!" He says.

You stand on the tip of your toes. You can see Shawn, and you wave back, as an act of kindness. You speed walk towards him. You can see him walk close to you too.

"Hey!" You say, hugging him.

"Hi Y/N, you're probably wondering why you're here at er, 6:35 in the night." He says, chuckling.

"Yeah, and that's the reason, why-why I'm in this state r-right now." You stated as you pant, holding yourself up with your hands on your knees for support, and raising a finger.

"Sorry about that, for making you rush." You hear Shawn say in worry. You laugh and smile to yourself, shaking it off like it wasn't any big deal.

"Okay, what made up bring me out here on such a dreaded day?"

"Valentine's Day?" You nod as he says so.

"The most cringe day of my entire life. Couples kissing everywhere, it's horrendous!" You state, imitating a gagging noise to show how much you didn't like this day.

Shawn shakes his head and grabs you by the hand, instructing you to follow him.

"So I guess you aren't mad at me for being late by a minute?"

"Oh, it's a minute, who cares?" He shrugs off. You roll your eyes because you knew that it bugged him in a way.

The pair of you finally reach a place where the stars visibly shone like glowing crystals, and the lake below reflected the silhouettes of the tall trees in the distance.

"I wanted to show you this." Shawn points towards the scenery. It looked quite mesmerising.

"It looks beautiful." You place yourself down on the leaves, and stare in awe and wonder at the magnificent area.

"Yeah, it really is. I come here when I'm stressed or under pressure. It helps me relax. It's like my personal spot." Shawn sits next to you, also looking at the stars.

"But it's this is your personal spot, why did you choose to bring me?" You question him in both curiosity and anxiousness.

"Because, you-you know, we're really close friends and, and uhhhh-" it's clear that Shawn is stuttering to find the correct words, so you try and help him out.

"We're close friends and you feel like it could be something more?" You ask. Shawn turns a bright shade of red and nods his head whilst trying to hold back a smile.

"Yeah, basically."

The snow starts falling again. It lands all over the ground.

"I'd love that Shawn, thank you." You say. You smile again and lay on your back, looking at the stars.

"Y/N?" Shawn whispers as he taps your shoulder lightly. You sit back up and look Shawn in the eyes. The snowflakes covered majority of his hair, and one fell directly on the top of his nose. He squints his eyes together and blows it off, laughing afterwards.

As if it were to be fate, he leans in and your lips collide in sync. You immediately respond and kiss back. You could've sworn in that moment, sparks ignited and butterflies grew in the pit of your stomach. Shawn caresses your cold cheek and you place your hands on his chest.

You both lean away from the kiss, and you smile and place a hair behind your ear.

"Happy Valentine's Day." Shawn says, leaning in to kiss you once more.

A/n: happy Valentine's Day!!


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