Gahenna's Black Spear Assassins

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I felt tired. I can't sleep for almost 3 days. Ang rami kong iniisip. Yung mga sinabi ni P.Elli, mga hindi ko nahanap na kasagutan at yung Royal Invitation. Yes, the worst event na magaganap sa Sunday. Ang aga. I planned that I should kept myself away from most Immortals para mapadali yung mission ko but then I failed, now the King knows about me and the worst is, he wanted to see me, to know me more. The King, Sober's father, the one who were willing to kill Rica and her friends, for the idea that they can be a black marked spies. He sounds terrible. The way Sober hated him, can be a proof that he's not that nice King that everyone expected him to be.

Speaking of my mission, for what P.Elli describes 'a dangerous mission' and said that 'giving his daughter such burden', are giving me a big issue of what really she meant. I can say that my father gave me burden by just sending me to this world and hide my identity, but I felt that the 'burden' P.Elli had said was more than that, I can see it in her eyes. Then here comes, 'dangerous mission' , I would have thought that she's wrong about that, actually my mission was to know who are the Vampires that killed many of my people, just to know and my Dad will do the rest, he didn't said that I will have to kill them and all their connections. If it is, then that was a dangerous mission, but it is not, so, how can my mission be more dangerous like P.Elli thought? I felt like she's trying to tell me something more that I don't know.

My thoughts came back to reality as I felt someone walking by my side. I glanced and saw that it was Prince Ace "ahm hi" I greeted. "Goodmorning" he says then stared at me. I avoided his looks. "I can tell that you didn't slept for a few nights, did it?" He asked as he managed to look infront. Alam kong halata talaga because of my eyebugs. I just nod. It's obvious. "Don't review too much" he said. I just nod even if I'm not. Hindi ko pa nga nababasa yung pinapabasa niya sa akin eh. "Why are you walking alone? Where are your friends?" He asked. He sounds like I'm not safe when I walk alone, that the students might bully me. "They're busy for their upcoming event here" I responded. "Okay, I'll join you. My room is one door apart to yours" he said.

I took a glance at his arm and I saw a faded blue wings mark just like Lorrainne's but Prince Ace's mark sparkled like it has a tiny bits of diamonds. Differently beautiful. I never saw that kind. "What's your mark?" I asked looked interested. He smiled. "Ice Make" he simply said. Whoa...that's cool, literarily and not. "Now I wished I had that" I said astounded. "Yours was more powerful and rare" he said but I didn't see him wonder if why I had this, like he think I deserve this. I looked down and can't help smiling. He's nice.

Students we passed by are kept giggling and flirting at Prince Ace, he just smile but never looked interested, unlike Azul, who will wave and flirt back. I startled as he hold my hand, I looked at him while my cheeks burns. He smiled and I melt. "Let's be quick, we might be late" he said then gained his speed. I walked normal to stay behind him, now he looked like he was dragging me. I lowered my head to avoid sour stares especially Prince Ace was holding my hand. Then he slowed down and release my hand as he looked around. "Forgive my action. I don't realize that we're in public full of possessives" he said loud enough to be heard. The students eluded and continued their doings. I can't help myself to smirk and raised my head to look at him.

He looked annoyed at them then winked at me. We decided to walk normally until we're in Gaia Edifice, where elements training room resides. "May I ask if who is your trainor? Wala akong kilalang teacher na may Royal Blood dito. I wonder if he can, especially to Zero" I heard him chuckled. Bakit? Ahm delikado ba si Sober? I glanced at his face, and I gulped, as if he's saying that Sober can be violent. "P.Elli assigned nothing but Sober to handle the class. Tutal dadalawa lang kami-" I paused when I realized I called him Sober infront of Prince Ace "I mean Our Prince uhm Zero" kaagad kong sinabi ngunit parang hindi naman niya iyon pinansin. "You better be careful" he simply warned. I gulped again, I can't imagine myself begging for my life when Sober will train me.

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