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"Where are you guys?!" Jungkook screamed, darkness surrounding him. Suddenly, he heard a loud gunshot to his right and loud groans, as he ran over to the sound the gunshot was heard, he saw a pool of blood.

"No..Nonono.. Yoongi!" There laid this friend Yoongi, motionless. Jungkook shook his now lifeless body as he sobbed.

"You killed them." A voice was heard was in his head as he looked down to his white buttoned up shirt. There was his friend's blood stained all over his hand and his white shirt. Then, in his hand there was a gun covered in blood. Jungkook looked up and saw all of his friends motionless bodies. As Jungkook sobbed, he held the gun to his head.



Drenched in sweat, Jungkook shot up from his bed, breathing heavily. It was a nightmare. It felt so real, his heart hurt as he thought about it.

Looking at the clock, he noticed that he had to get ready for school. He would have been a dropout by now, but since he promised Jin and the others to finish school, he didn't drop out.

Slipping on his grey jacket, ripped jeans, black converse, and his backpack he walked out of his apartment. He slowly started to walk to school but stopped, as he saw figures standing there.

It was the same thing everyday before Jin and the others came, they beat him and took all his things.

Somehow, this day was different, he felt like he was going to get beat up again. Jin, who usually met him here to walk to school together didn't arrive. He always was here, but today he wasn't.

"Aye loser! Where's ya little tough friend huh?" The group of figures walked towards him, as Jungkook tried to walk past them to get to school. That was a bad idea because when he walked past them, he rubbed shoulders with one of them.

"Hey! Don't ignore us you good for nothing!" One of them yelled, grabbing him and knocking Jungkook down onto the concrete ground. Once he was on the ground, they pinned him down and started punching him. Oh, how he remembered the pain of being beat by his bullies.

After being beat for so long, they left him. He didn't make a sound, and he lay there.

He could feel the warmth of his blood go down his face from his eyebrow, he ignored the blood and the pain he got when he stood up.

Numb was what he felt, it was like waves tried to get him under and they did, they won.

Dragging his feet across the concrete, he walked to school smiling. Weak was what he felt, he couldn't believe that now, he realized that he was only using Jin and the others for cover, instead of defending himself. He couldn't even feel pity for himself, he deserved it.

What a selfish human being he was.

Crossing the road, Jungkook could hear the warm tires of a car coming towards him. Looking left to where the car was, he smiled and stopped walking.

It was a drunk driver.


He woke up, he was in different place than before. He thought he would be in a hospital bed, but he wasn't. He was laying on soft gold colored grass, the sky was a bright sky blue and there were flowers everywhere.

Was this heaven? The scenery looked so gorgeous that it had to be.

"Jungkook!" A man shouted over to him, his voice was familiar, as if he had knew that voice for ages.


"Hey, give me the camera, I'll take a picture of you guys." Namjoon smiled, as Jin handed him his pink polaroid camera. Jin and Jungkook posed for the picture Namjoon was about to take, while holding a peace sign up.


As the picture came out from the polaroid camera, Namjoon spit out his finished lolly, taking out the pump from his black GMC Sierra 1500.

Taking the picture out, he opened the his car's door, getting in, looking at the picture he smiled, before putting it in his pocket.

Then, Jhope came out of the gas station with a bag full of food. He waved at Namjoon and walked over to the open trunk where Jimin was sleeping. He placed the bag next to Jimin, then pulling over his black blanket over his chest.


Jungkook looked over to his side, seeing his group of friends waving at him, he widen his eyes.

Was this not heaven then? Why are his friends with him if they're not dead?

Jin ran over to Jungkook, standing in front of him, he held out his hand, smiling.

"We're in heaven now." Jin announced, looking at Jungkook.

"But... You're dead?" Jungkook answered, he frowned and started to cry.

"Don't cry, we're in a better place." Wiping Jungkook's tears, he grabbed his hand and ran over to the group.

"Where's Taehyung?" Jungkook asked, noticing that there were only 5 of his friends standing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2019 ⏰

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