Listen, Don't Touch ~ Chapter 13 PART 2

Start from the beginning

                  “You knew him for what, a few days?”

                  “Oh pleeeeease! I heard you guys practice, at least he knows when he’s out of tune.”

                  He pursed his lips. But it looked like a thin pout. Cute.

                  “I’m never out of tune.”

                  “What was that? Mr. The-note-was-G-but-you-sang-an-A-flat.” I said referring to the first band practice I went to. HAH, AWESOME MEMORY CASE.

                  “Oh shut up Snow White.”

                  I growled and he rolled his eyes. Suddenly Andrew burst through my door, saying, “What did I miss?!”

                  Um, everything?


                  “DAMMIT.” He kicked the wall.

                  “It’s okay, it’s not NEARLY as important as glitter glue. GOD, I LOVE THAT STUFF! Do we have any in this house? Can we go to the store?”

                  “It’s like, 12 o clock Case. No.”


                  “Wait…were you two having a conversation?” He asked suspiciously.

                  “By definition, yes.” He said bored-ly and looked absolutely like…well, normal Logan.

                  “Does this mean you’d get along well enough if he joined the band?”

                  Logan went silent and looked as if he was thinking. I didn’t know he was capable of that brain power. DON'T HURT YOURSELF TRYING NEW THINGS LOGI.

                  He looked away and said, “I didn’t plan on having an opera-singing princess join the group. I’ll think about it. There’s other things to consider.”

                  “BUT I–”

                  Andrew whacked the side of my head and smiled. “Sounds good.”

                  “I’m…I should go.” He said suddenly, still in deep thought. He got up and headed to the door.

                  “YOU FORGOT YOUR HUUUUUG!” Suddenly I jumped on his back like a fat DINOSAUR!

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