"Last door on the left!" She shouts from the bedroom. This penthouse has a lot more space then I realized last night. The bedroom is at the end of a long hall that has two doors on either side. At the other end of the hall is a massive living room.

I walk down to the door she specified and go inside to take the shower. I look around at the massive bathroom. The floor is white tile while the walls are a cool slate grey. The bathroom has a bathtub and a separate standing shower. And a sink with a large mirror on the left wall.

"Wow." I mumble to myself. "Big bathroom." It's almost as big as the one I have at home.

"We can repaint it if you want." Ruby said from behind me, startling me right out of my skin.

"Ruby don't do that! You scared me half to death." I say, laughing. "Anyway, how are we gonna afford this? I'm gonna be cut off and we will have no income."

Her face darkens for a second but brightens up so fast that I wasn't sure it actually happened. "Weiss don't worry about it. Were gonna be alright. You have your Dust shop that will make you some money. And... I can get us some mines. We are gonna be fine. Now, are you gonna shower alone or do you want me to go with you?"

"Well I may not know how to work the thing so why don't you help me?" I ask shyly. "And d-don't get the wrong idea, o-once I figure it out I won't need you to help me. Then I can do it on my own."

She just giggles. "Sure Weiss. She was already naked, so I just took off what I had on and stepped into the shower. I looked down and realized the shower floor was different then the rest of the floor. It was a bunch of colored stones of different shapes sizes and colors aligned in a cobblestone type pattern.

"Ruby, this bathroom is impressive. Not something I expected." I say.

"Well we are in the penthouse Weiss. It takes up the whole floor." She says sarcastically. I just chuckle under my breath. "Okay. So this is how you do this. And this is..." she kept on going but I was running on autopilot as I thought about the woman that I loved so much.
POV: The Reaper.

That night, well actually it was day. I had to kill her, she needed to die. I wasn't hired to do it, but something's would be majorly changed and we would lose any hope of beating m- I mean her.

I remember when I did it. And I remember how I got away with it. The only kill that I wasn't forced to do but hated. Just like yesterday.

She has to go. Someone needs to do it. Well actually, it has to be me. "Maybe I can figure something else out." I thought to myself in vain hope that I wouldn't have to. But I do. I stood on the building across the small street from a small home in the small island of Patch. I waited for the husband to be upstairs and the little yellow haired girl of there's was out. The red haired one was outback playing with a little boy. "Now is the only chance I'll get." I leap from the roof and land next to the front door. Reaching my hand out I find that the front door was left unlocked. I reached out and opened the door.

She was in the kitchen, making some kind of food and watching the kids play some game in the back that she couldn't seem to grasp. I ghosted over to the counter, and grabbed the knife in my gloved hand. I planted myself behind her and grabbed her mouth at the same time that I jabbed the knife into her throat, shortly after removing her snow white cloak. I spin her around and slash diagonally a tossed her chest. She starts to fall tack but I grab her shirt and jab her again, just to make sure the job was done. That was when a little boy walked in. I crouched down. "Come here, kid." I say. He walks over to me totally afraid. I reach the handle of the knife out to him. "Take this for me okay?" I ask.

He just nods and takes it. I take the cloak and walk up the flight of stairs to a room marked by a rose. "My little rose." The door says. I open the door and toss the cloak on the bed. Closing the door behind me I take a piece of paper and scrawl the words "for my Rose. My last gift." The I open the bedroom window and leap out. "For the sake of the stream." That was what I thought as I walked away from the situation I created.
POV: Weiss Schnee.

"Come on Ruby! Just tell me what's up. You haven't said anything since we got on the bullhead. What's the matter?" I asked her for the hundredth time.

She just sighed and looked away, a burning anger in her eyes.
"Hey Ruby? Can I talk to you for a sec?" Asked the strange girl that Ruby had called Jade the night before.

"It had better be quick. I don't have a lot of time." She said as she walked to where she was. When I tried to follow she stopped me. "No Weiss, please don't follow me." With that she walked off. They stood there and exchanged words. Jade smiled after she said her piece and walked off with a small, triumphant grin on her face.

"What was that about Ruby?" I asked. But she didn't answer. She just looked angry.
"I don't want to talk about it okay?" Ruby said. She slumped in her chair again and I rested my arm over her shoulders.

"You don't have to, I just want to know if you will be okay."

"I'll be fine Weiss." Then she went silent again. But she did lean her head on my shoulder.

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