Chapter 10: She's slipping away

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Camila Cabello's POV

Me and my girls (see what i did there haha) went to the lobby to look for Lauren because weirdly she just disappeared well no it's not weird

Lauren likes to have her time with herself, I know she's tired of all of this because who wouldn't right? Recordings every hour, practicing, and all.. we've practice some of our song.. i love our 'work from home (ft Y/N)' because of course we featured the girl i love and the choreography is great

We've already recorded the video and released it. It's actually a hit! Can you believe that?! Oh and y/n punched someone when we were recording because he's staring at my ass and was hitting me all the time. I'm happy though.. it means he cares for me deeply and that's what she did said to me. She doesn't want the way they talk to me and treat me

Speaking of y/n, where the f is she?

"Dinah have you seen-"


She smirked while i dropped my jaw how the?

"If you're going to ask me if I saw Y/n, the answer is no" she smirked knowing she was hella right

I looked at ally and normani and they both shrugged, I don't know why but I want to see y/n and cuddled with her

"Just call her you know" normani suggested she shrugged of her shoulders

I fished my phone down my pants and called her. After a few moments she picked up

"Good morning hi. we were going to get food wanna come?" I giggled through the phone while i rack my hands through my dark brown curls

"Camzi.. I n-need y-you" I heard her voice cracked and so did my heart, the way she talked...

"Are you in your room?" I asked a dead calm as I fiddled with my fingers


"Hold on. I'll be there in a few" i dropped the call

"Are you ok?" I heard Dinah ask and I turned around to look at her and i shook my head 'no' and she smiled and whispered 'go' and i looked at Ally and Normani nodding their head too. I muttered a thank you and I rushed to the elevator to go to y/n's room.


"Y/n?" I knocked at their room knowing maybe Ariana's not here

"Y/n? It's Camila" I knocked again a few moments later i heard footsteps nearing the door and it opened

I saw a blanket all over Y/N and saw my favorite face in the world with red puffy eyes. I slowly stepped to her and she suddenly hugged me tight. We went inside and cuddled in their bed for awhile until she stood up, went somewhere and when she got back she handed me a phone

I looked at her confused and she said "read it" with a forced smile. So i did.


"How the hell can she do this to you?!" I stood up angered by what i read and almost threw the phone.

She stayed silent and looked down

"I can't let this happen" I started to walk away but she stopped me, holding my wrist lightly "no" she mumbled..

"Let her be.. I've always knew someday she'd slip away" I continued and looked at her confused.. again..

"She's slipping away.." she smiled at me "remember the song? I know what you did last summer? You asked me to whom it was for, it's for Ariana" she let my wrist go and sat back down the bed.. i went to her and kneel on the floor she started to sob

"she's not coming home.. I know i lost her when she looked at him.. yes, she love me at one time but i know.. not anymore.. she maybe on my side when we were on the meeting but the way she looked at him, the way she smiled at him.. i know she didn't mean it though, she didn't mean to fall for him but i know i lost her"

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