I've Got a Plan: Colton

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I had suffered years of my father's wrath and pain. No true friends except one, Elliot Phillips, the Commander's eldest son. We had more than one thing in common, but the one that brought us together? Our fathers. They were both cruel powerful men. He's was the only one I could tell anything. Including Shadow, just not her secret.
"I've got a plan to make her fall for you!" he exclaimed bursting into my room.
"Is it good?" I responded my voice laced with accusation.
"I've got a plan..." he said less excited.
"That's what I thought. It's pointless, she'll never fall for me!" I claimed. Elliot look at me in shock!
"Dude! If you were my type I would totally smash you! No weirdness intended... I'm guessing it's not helping...." he mumbled. Elliot's father would have never approved of his choice, so he only told me and a few other friends.
"Yeah, too late dude, that was weird. By the way what happened to that Ben Stutter guy go?" I said laughing.
"God he was a total asshat! I mean all he wanted was to sleep and party! Not my type," he grumbled.
"I told you. All Stutters are bad news," I try to hold back my laugh.
"Ha. Ha. Now back to this Shadow girl. Why do you like her so much?"
"I could watch her for a minute and find one thousand things I love about her."
"Dude that was both romantic and corny as fuck. Damn if only I could find a guy like you!" he laughed.
"I guess there is just a wall between us that keeps me from her," I think a loud. Elliot stands up.
"Maybe you should just stop being afraid and tell her. Fuck that wall, just jump. Trust your instincts, you aren't fucking giving up on her," Elliot slaps my face, "Just tell her. Take her from the world. Make her yours."

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