One More Day: Both-Flashback

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A week has past since I last saw him. When I left him at that park bench, alone, in the cold. I had promised I would go to the Prince's Ball, but why? All I could think of was whys and hows. Why did I say yes? Why did I tell him? Why didn't he leave me? How did I fall so hard. Every time my door opened I hoped it was him. My thoughts of him have gotten in the way of my leadership. I still need an Apprentice. I can't focus on anything but seeing him. It confused me. I hadn't felt emotion or pain for eleven years and suddenly I can't stop thinking about this one guy. Why? I don't know. All I know is there is one more day until I see him again.
One more day. Yesterday it was two days. Tomorrow will be the day. The day she realizes that I lied to her and I don't deserve her. I just hope I can explain to her.
The castle wasn't the best and most comfortable home, but it worked. It was big enough to avoid my father and sneak around. The only problem was the maids and butlers that constantly followed me around watching my every move. I couldn't even go to the bathroom without them waiting outside the door. If only I could get Shadow to kill them for me... That's the perks of your crush/best friend/only friend being an international bad ass.
I laid in bed thinking of how I could explain to her tomorrow why I lied. Honestly I had no idea what I was going to do. She would hate me and I would be suited off to a bratty princess so my father could gain land, not that he'd be alive much longer. I was at least happy she would kill him for me. I just wish my mother was still alive to help him be better.
|Sept. 23, 1906|
I remember that day like it was yesterday. I had just turned five and my mother had grown deathly sick. It was one year before my father started the attacks on the weaker farmhouses and villages. One year before Shadow's sister was murdered.
I remember sitting in my bed waiting for mother to tuck me in like every night. There was a small knock on the bedroom door and I thought it was her. It wasn't. It was a maid from the infirmary. I knew what had happened. I knew in that moment I would never see my mother again.
|Feb. 18, 1907|
I remember the screams. Ones that filled the air. Ones that pierced my ears. The ones that were mine.
My body would ache, bruises and swollen lumps where the belt had hit me across my back. My bones jabbed and my arm in a splint. My left eye swollen shut and purple. Cuts that oozed yellow and clear liquids. I was now six. And psychically abused by my father. Every time I cried at night for mother he would tell me it was my fault she was dead. That she didn't love me. That I wasn't his son. The words cut and stung. I didn't belong. I was the nobody prince.
|June 11, 1907|
The walls were cold and damp. Darkness surrounded me. I could hear moaning and groaning, shouts of angry prisoners. Fellow prisoners. My father's prisoners.
I had been severely beat and forced into a cell in the dungeons below for making eye contact with my father. No. He was no longer my father. He was the King now. I was stripped to my underclothes and thrown in the coldest cell. No bed, no outhouse, no food or water for three days. I really was my fath- the King's prisoner. 

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