Finding Her: Colton

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As usual I wait at the same table I met her at. Girls gawk at me and giggle to their friends. A few try to talk to me, but I'm not interested. Although I'm a usual the same waiter as always asks what I'd like, and I respond. What she had. I don't know the name of it but I smile at the thought that she and I enjoy the same thing. I somehow managed to get father to remove my bodyguards. I'll never get close to finding her with them around. Sometimes I stay here so long I fall asleep at the table. The manager had grown fond of me and gave me free drinks. I didn't drink them. I just sat. Sat and thought about how I was going to find her. She had disappeared off the face of the earth, and it was like she never existed. No records, no achievements. Nothing. She was good at disappearing. I just wish I could find her one more time to tell her how much I thought about her.
I continue sitting at that table, customers throw glances my way. A few had the guts to try to talk to me. Just a few awkward "hi's'" and the occasional "do I know you?" My response is always short and they get bored easily. I keep watching the window waiting to just catch a glimpse of her black hair or maybe her walking past.
Just before closing time a younger girl walks up to me.
"Hi. I noticed you looking for someone and I was wondering if I could help you? I'm pretty good at finding people, actually it's my job," I look up at her. She was a brunette with dark green eyes that were soft and sweet. She's carrying a drink in her left hand.
"I don't know. She's a hard girl to find," I respond.
"Oh I love a challenge! What's her name?" she exclaims and I give in.
"Shadow. Her name's Shadow Alister, she's quite pale with sleek hair and bright, beautiful blue eyes," I say. "That's all I know about her, except that I need to find her and ask her something." I say sounding almost desperate.
I catch her mumble something under her breath that sounded like, "Huh, I've never heard of anyone asking for the Chief directly, let alone anyone knowing her personally. It's been almost five months since she's taken a job. I wonder what I should do?" Chief? What's she rambling about? Does she know Shadow?
"May I ask how you know Shadow?" I ask politely using my charm.
"Well I'm not technically entitled to tell you League information," she say sounding almost sorry for me. "But I can bring her to you." I smile at that.
"Would you!? Just tell her that an old friend is waiting for her, I'll be here tomorrow," I smile as the girl rushes out like it's urgent. Praise the lord! I will get to she her again! I can't wait!

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