Assassin's Code

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These are code rules that assassins have to follow in order to actually be considered an assassin. (Subject to Change at Any Time!)
1) All members will obey the current Chief Assassins orders and commands.
2) Thou shall not kill a fellow member without consulting the Chief Assassin.
3) Thou shall not have higher commitments to the outside world than to the League.
4) Anyone to reveal the secret of the League will result in death by the Chief Assassin.
5) The Code can only be changed by the Chief recognized by the League.
6) One can only leave the League by defeating the Chief Assassin or getting permission from so.
7) Lying to the Chief will not be tolerated.
8) There must always be a total of one Chief, ten Masters, and ten Apprentices.
9) Failure to follow these rules will result in death by Chief Assassin.
10) Thy Chief's Apprentice will take the role of Chief unless defeated by a challenger.

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