Chapter 7: Lady Oh Lady

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Many days had passed after the event, and Arman discovered Rajnath had vanished from view. He understood the idea had made him feel uncomfortable about attending the lectures. That's why he felt comfortable. For the first time in his life, Arman didn't feel intimidated or worried that something might happen to him. In actuality, he was respected by everyone in his class for his stance. Both Ashita and Arman were filled with happiness and enjoyed the sensation.

But he did run into some problems. Since regulations apply to everyone, of course, carrying out this plan would result in his penalty. But Arman wasn't concerned at all. He was aware of the risks and capitalized on his reputation as the most academically gifted child. He was free to select the penalty of his choosing. He decided to write five reports on five distinct occurrences. He was certain he would find the assignment quite simple. Arman did not hesitate to accept the penalty when the principal gave his consent.

Ashita murmured, "I only hope Rajnath is alright," as she got her materials ready for the upcoming lecture. "He will be, really, who gives a damn?" Arman remarked haughtily. Ashita responded, "Well, I don't, but this was the first time he was the target. I'm not sure how he would handle the humiliation and shame." "I hope you're not feeling horrible for what we did," Arman firmly said. "He got what he deserved." Ashita responded, "it's only that I hope he doesn't do something reckless."

"He wouldn't risk it." With a chuckle, Arman said, "I'll utilize the magic of my mind to vanquish a monster like him," as he sat down to write. "You and the fantastical tales you tell." Ashita grinned. Meanwhile, the professor arrived, and the lecture started.

When the lecture finally ended after a long time, Arman and Ashita were worn out. "Gosh, it was too much for today," Arman thought as the lectures finally ended. Wow, I never imagined I could say that." Arman scoffed at the idea. After packing his bag, he headed home. Ashita was unable to accompany him because of her work. Going home alone himself was OK with Arman. However, he felt a little odd today, as though someone were behind him. However, he brushed the idea aside, believing it to be a figment of his imagination.

He was suddenly chilled to the bone. This was not how he had ever felt. There was merely a man standing in a corner when he turned to look around. Arman opted not to stay behind or approach the stranger since he felt awkward. However, the man's attire made him appear distinct from what other people wore, which piqued his interest.

But he concluded it was preferable not to allow curiosity get in the way of his safety. The man can be a drug addict, a member of a criminal group, or anything else. However, Arman glanced around as soon as he set out and noticed that the man has vanished. Arman felt nervous now. "How absurd! "Where did he go?" Arman reflected in his head. "I should leave now before I regret being here too long."

Arman picked up his pace. He was not looking for problems. Glancing up to one of the house's rooftops, he noticed another individual dressed similarly. This was unusual for him. He sensed something was wrong, that the folks he saw were up to no good.

"Oh my god! I believe I've gotten myself into a lot of trouble," Arman pondered. "I regret stopping to take a quick look at that individual up close. They must be skeptical of my claims to know or have seen something. I now have to return home before it becomes too late.

Arman's breathing quickened and his pulse began to race as he began to run. All he wanted to do was return home. When he turned around to get a better look, the visitors had disappeared when he heard a loud noise. Arman only wanted to go back home safely, so he didn't stop to inspect. He had no idea why he felt endangered, but instincts protected him from becoming entangled in something he couldn't quite put his finger on.

The strange sensation he was experiencing vanished abruptly, and he felt secure. It was strange for him since he had never felt his emotions alter so rapidly. He soon returned home and went to his room to see if anyone had following him. It was confirmed that no one had followed him, and he was now secure. After a few moments of relaxation, he reflected more closely about those strangers. "Damn, what was I thinking?" Why should someone hurt me? As if I pose a threat to anyone. However, they had an unusual sense of fashion. I've never seen somebody wearing clothes like that around here." However, he disregarded the concept and proceeded to study.

Arman was still studying despite the fact that it was late. He knew it was a Sunday the next day, so staying up all night was alright, but he was exhausted and fell asleep on the desk. He began to dream as he fell deeply into a slumber

He saw himself in the darkened room again. He realized it was the same horrific nightmare in which the demon appeared. But this time, he couldn't be found. Arman thought it unusual. He heard someone whisper a name, but it was unclear. He turned behind and saw a lady, the same one he had seen in his previous dreams, but this time she was distinct, but her face was hidden since her back was toward Arman.

"Lady, Oh Lady?" Arman yelled. As soon as he yelled at her, she began to flee. Arman pursued her, but she mysteriously vanished. He heard the voices again, but this time they were clearer. He could make out the word "Jinha" among the muttering.

As soon as he looked around, he saw him: the demon with crimson eyes. "I will not let you be happy," snarled the angry demon. "Who are you?" Arman inquired. "And why would you want me to be unhappy?" Before Arman could respond, the demon scratched his arm. Arman felt like blood was coming out of his left hand, but he knew it was a dream. "I will damage you in whichever manner I can," declared the demon.

Before he could damage Arman any further, he decided it was time to wake up and worked hard to do so. He awoke with a jerk. He was heavily breathing and had perspiration on his forehead. He was pleased that it was only a dream. But the moment he saw his left arm, he became alarmed. The scratch mark was the same one that the demon had given him in his dream.

"What's going on? How is this even possible?" wondered a terrified Arman. Things didn't seem right as he felt discomfort while inspecting this strange cut on his palm that had appeared in his nightmares.

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