Chapter 4: Doors Have Ears Too

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After a few days, Arman had no more dreams involving the dark entity. He questioned whether all he had seen was the product of his imagination or delusions. He was relieved, though, that it had nothing to do with his own life. He was able to return to his studies with focus.

"What the heck was I thinking? I really did let a stranger's few remarks to have such a profound effect on me," Arman thought to himself. "Now that I think about it, it makes no sense to follow dreams that you create for yourself. I mean, how can a stranger appear out of nowhere and say something so crazy, and I let that influence me so much?"

"Everything fine?" Ashita inquired. He reassured, "Yeah, yes I am, don't worry."

The day's lectures came to a conclusion. However, neither Arman nor Ashita desired to return home so quickly. Every time the classes conclude, they both head out together, but today, especially Arman, who had a very stressful week, they wanted something different. Thus, they made the decision to go to the auditorium, where Ashita was eager to see Arman sing "Come on, you haven't performed a song in a while. Please?" Ashita begged, "I truly want to hear your voice." Arman nervously grinned, "I don't know, don't you usually hear me talking to you?" "Ha-ha, Arman, you're so hilarious," Ashita chuckled sarcastically.

When it came to singing in public, Arman was quite bashful. He likes to sing in his room by himself. It was in the empty school room that Ashita heard Arman sing for the first time. When she heard him sing for the first time, she was blown away and determined that everyone should see his ability. Arman, however, was not the kind to flaunt his abilities in public.

"Now stop being such a tight, snooty ass and start singing," she said, nudging him gently on the shoulder. Arman chuckled and said, "As if after hearing that I will obey your request." She said, "Oh please, come on. I generally don't ask you to do anything, so can you really do this much for me?" I'll complete your homework for a week."

He held back his laughter and replied, "First of all, the last time you completed my project, it was a catastrophe. Remember how you actually got it all incorrectly and even the professor was confused?" Ashita rolled her eyes and said, "Don't remind me. Are you going to sing or just going to continue criticizing my work?" "All right, I'm singing." Arman stated.

Ashita said with a big smile, "Finally, thank you, Arman. You have the purest heart." They both chuckled as Arman replied, "Stop attempting to say things that could truly impress me, because it won't work."

Arman entered the stage and closed his eyes, allowing his voice to carry all of his feelings. He begins to sing, filling the entire auditorium with a song that calmed everyone who heard it. Ashita closed her eyes and listened to the calming, soulful voice. The sound that emanated from his mouth captivated her. She believes that nobody can sing as well as he did.

"Well, I'm done," he said as he exited the platform. Ashita begged, "No, no, no, one more song please," like a child begging for chocolates. He chuckled and said, "How much should I sing? Do I seem like a radio?" She pushed him back into the platform and said, "No, it's nothing like that. Your voice is like something that cures a person's broken spirit."

"Ah! "Don't give me those philosophical speeches," he said teasingly. "Yeah right," she responded with a giggle.

They were soon ordered to vacate the auditorium by college personnel. From there, both of them left. Rajnath was standing close to the spiral staircase, Arman noted. He paused, staring as Ashita took note. "Walk and ignore him; halting simply indicates that he bothers you," she urged. "Don't stop. I'm here, okay?"

Arman realized she was correct. Thus, he strolled by Rajnath, who was observing him and making remarks. His hope was for Rajnath to tumble down the stairs. Arman and Ashita heard something fall as soon as they descended. Upon turning around, they noticed Rajnath had tumbled down the steps. Arman tried not to chuckle, but he couldn't help himself since he knew that's what he wanted and it was a complete coincidence that anything like that happened.

Later on in the evening, as he was making his way to his bed, he considered how much he wanted to be rid of Rajnath. He sought an urgent remedy since he was tired of being bullied. In addition, he was curious about what might occur beforehand. He continued to ponder the subject, and after a little while, he slept out deeply.

Arman began to dream. It was something he was cognizant of. He hoped it was not the one where he sees the demon. But things weren't the same this time. This time, he could understand what was happening and where it was. It was 3 pm, and the location was the second-floor restroom of his institution. He stood in front of a WC stall with the word "SECRETS" printed on it. Unaware of what it was, he opened the door and entered. The door closed. Arman spent a long time attempting to unlock the door. He woke up before he could open the door and find out what was going to happen next.

A fresh day has begun. Arman was at his lectures as usual. He wanted to know if his dream was real, if it was really another foolish hallucination, or if it was hinting to anything. He continued to check the clock, which showed that it was 2:55 pm—nearly five minutes before 3:00. Seeing it with his own eyes was the only way to confirm if it was true. Arman requested his lecturer to pardon him.

He dashes to the second floor and heads inside the restroom. He recognized the cubicle from his dream and went inside. He closed the door behind him as he stood there. He chuckled, "What a stupid thing to believe in," and said, "I guess I should simply le..."

Voices from inside the restroom distracted him. They seemed somewhat familiar. "What lessons can we impart to that jackass nerd?" From the way it was expressed, Arman knew that Rajnath was the one who had entered the restroom.

"We'll arrange for something to happen to him that will leave him so severely scarred that he won't attend college." Rajnath laughed wickedly.

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