Chapter 3: Dream Demon

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Arman had a difficult night since he couldn't sleep after seeing the black entity. Recalling the words of the elderly man, he began to get increasingly concerned. He wished this being were not real. He was terrified and deeply shaken by this dream.

Despite not getting a decent night's sleep, Arman showed up for his class the following morning. He continued to nod asleep during the talks. Ashita questioned her pal, "Hey, are you alright?" sensing something wasn't quite right. "Yes, I am," Arman said. He did not want Ashita to believe that a piece of his own imagination was frightening him. The more Ashita questioned him, the more worried she got for him. "Nope you're not, I can plainly see that you weren't paying attention in the class as well. In fact, you appear so dull today as if something horrible has happened to you. You are aware that you may discuss anything with me, right?"

He continued to conceal his issue, but Ashita was aware of his dishonesty when it comes to keeping things from her. "Yes I know, thanks for your concern Ashu, but truly it's nothing," he said. "Oh, is that right? I think there's a problem with you, and I'm sure it has to do with something that happened yesterday."

He became terrified in the same way that a mouse becomes terrified when it sees a snake; did Ashita find out about his meeting with the elderly guy yesterday? He began to worry that Ashita would start to make fun of him and his anxiety of the dream he witnessed the previous night. "I could see by your expressions that you're concerned that Rajnath would try to hurt you again," Ashita remarked.

Arman felt a brief sense of relaxation. He thought she would speak about the elderly man he met. It reassured him that she was unaware of his experience. "Hello, I'm talking to you. "Don't slack off on me," Ashita said, waving her hands over his eyes to get his attention. . "I don't want that stupid guy to cause you to worry too much. Look, these folks would stop at nothing to hurt someone because they are only jealous."

Arman nodded and said, "Yes, I know. Don't worry, however; I'm OK." Ashita objected, saying, "No you're not; I know this for sure. Something's upsetting you, and I don't want it to disturb you too much." He continued to wonder, "At the very least, should I tell her about my dream. But what if she made fun of me? I mean, she's starting to worry about my silence, and I can't fool her into thinking otherwise."

At last, Arman plumps up the confidence to tell her about the terrifying nightmare he hoped to never witness again. "All right, I'll tell you, but not right now. Come meet me at the park at 6:30, and I'll tell you everything." Ashita scowled, "Well, I guess I'll just have to wait then, but at least something's better than nothing, right? Alright! I'll meet you at 6:30. Could you please be on time?

"Yes" Arman replied. Ashita joked, "Make sure you arrive on time because I won't tolerate any excuses like you give to our lecturers." He knew his friend knew more about him than he did, so he answered, "Sure, yeah, I know, you don't have to tease me."

He later returned to the same location where he had initially encountered the elderly guy, but it appeared that he had moved. When he inquired about him with the locals, it appeared that no one met the description. Arman was perplexed. Arman questioned whether he was really met the man yesterday. Was this elderly man a figment of his imagination, or did he actually exist? It was beyond his comprehension. After making his way back home, he chooses to take some time off before seeing Ashita to share the dream with her. He goes back to sleep and his dreams begin as soon as he closes his eyes.

In his dream, he sees a blurry scenario where he perceives a young woman speaking to him, but he is unable to understand what she is saying. She continues showing up in his dreams, and he wants to find out more about her, but he is unable to identify her. He continued racing in her direction, but the farther he ran, the more away she became.

He opens his eyes when the phone rings. Ashita phoned him at 6:15 to remind him to arrive on time. He gave her his word, saying, "I guarantee I won't be late." The time of truth has arrived. Ashita wanted to know what was upsetting and stressing Arman out so much. She said, "Hey, over here," upon spotting him come into the park. He remarked, "I'm just going to get right to the point and nothing else."

She reassured him, "Well, yeah sure, take your time." "Okay, the reason I was so scared and preoccupied was because of my bad dreams." "Sorry, um. Your dreams?" she questioned, perplexed. "Yes, my dreams," he said, "I had a terrible nightmare last night that really startled me." "Don't worry, it's only a nightmare; everyone has had one at some point in their life," she reassured him.

"It's about that evil thing, nevertheless it felt real... He stood behind me this time, putting his hand over my shoulder." Curious, she said, "So what do you believe this thing is?" "I assume it's a demon, given its crimson eyes," he answered. She chuckled, "People here have dream girls, and you have a dream demon."

Arman, though, didn't share her amusement at her joke. He appeared to be more upset than he had ever been. Ashita immediately understood that her joke wasn't nice to express and that it was hurting her buddy. She apologized, saying, "I was only kidding. I know these dreams are bad for you and your mental health, but don't worry, you can overcome even the most daunting challenges and nightmares like this if you believe in yourself and who you are." "I am aware," he said.

Arman wonders to himself, "But do I even know who I am? I sometimes feel like I don't even know myself."

She grinned and replied, "And I am here to assist you out with everything." He smiled, "I know you always have." The two pals were chatting and enjoying themselves. However, they were unaware that someone was observing them from a distance.

"You will soon learn what is need to know," the distant observer stated, grinning while he looked upon them.

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