Chapter 2 - Button ups

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Chapter 2

"SERIOUSLY. YOU ARE JUST GOING TO SIT THERE AND SUCK EACHOTHERS FACES WHILE ME AND CASS PACK? HELP MEEEEEE." I begged and shouted, they were making out on the couch. I had my door open so I could see, also by them I mean Michael and Raine! Cass came home later that night cause she got homesick so Michael came and picked me up because I felt like that was a mother daughter thing. He told me he liked her while we were out and when he came over this morning to help me pack they got together.

It was now 5:30 and I am freaking the fuck out. I leave 6 am tomorrow so that means I have to be up by like 4. And also, Raine and Michael are driving me there so they're up early too! Great, fucking sleepy friends. And I know for fact Michael will kill you with a rusty butter knife if is up to early. Yay.

"Coming!" Michael bolted up off of Raine and come over to me.

"Okay Cass, Michael. Both of you are little fashionistas. Help me. This or this?" I held up two tops. One was a grey sweater with Mickey Mouse on it, the other was a sweater with glmr klls 4evr on it.

"Mickey!" Cassidy said.

"Would it be bad if I disagreed?" Michael asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"Mickey than!" Michael said and sat on my bed.

"Maybe I should do both!" I sighed.

"Cassidy cover your ears." Michael said and played with a coat hanger. Cass did as told. "Jesus Caelyn, pipe the fuck down. You don't need to dress to impress. These guys were your best friends." Michael said. Cassidy uncovered her ears.

"What you don't understand is I used to do this every damn day in our closet. Looking at clothes hurts me." I said. Michael laughed. Wait. "Raine! What did used to wear a lot before I moved?" I asked.

"Button ups!" She replied. I nodded my head and went into the closet. I grabbed 4 button ups.

"Why must you dress like you did before?" Michael asked.

"Josh said don't change. I'm not going to show him I have." I said as I threw skinny jeans after skinny jeans on the bed.

"Trying to impress your ex?" Michael asked.

"No, I just like the old me okay?" I snapped and threw in pj shorts. I felt weird to say ex, I knew we are, I mean he's moved on. He has a girlfriend. "Oh my god should I bring a dress?" I asked.

"Yes! If you and Ramsay get together you might have a date!" Raine said from the couch. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my dress that looked like it had stars all over it. It was short but not too short. Good for going out. I also grabbed a party dress. It was short, black, puffy and sparkley. All you need in a dress. Since it was summer I aslo grabbed some high waisted shorts and crop tops.

"Is there anything else I should pack?" I asked, them and myself.

"Hats!" Raine said.

"Thanks!" I said and went under my bed. I grabbed a snapback that had the vans logo on it in green and my beanie that says legit. I nodded to myself and started folding.



"SHUT YOUR FUCKING ALARM OF IT'S 3:30 AM!" Michael yelled. I rolled over and shut it off.

"GET UP IT'S MORNING!" I yelled.

"IT'S 3:30!" Raine reassured.

I groaned and went to the shower. I washed my hair, shaved and everything. I got out and wrapped my towel around me. I put on grey cotton shorts, my you're so fake barbies jealous shirt, underwear and a bra, and the sweater I stole from Josh many years ago. I slid on orange ankle socks and went back to the bathroom. I dried my hair and put it in a messy bun. I just put on foundation and red lipstick, not bothering to do my eyeliner. Too much work, too early in the morning. I turned around the ring Josh gave me to the forever and always was facing me. (Side note, I wear that ring everyday.) I hummed some old Fall Out Boy song and put my makeup in my bag. I zipped it up and went to make myself a coffee. By the time my coffee was done Michael had brushed his hair and changed and Raine was changed and brushed also.

"You both look tired as fuck." I laughed. I was somewhat used to getting up early to fly for gigs but Michael obviously wasn't.

"You have to say bye to Cassidy." She said. I nodded and went to her room. She was sitting there with her music In.

"I'll see you in a bit Cass. I'll be back in a few weeks, I'll miss you." I smiled.

"I'll miss you too Caelyn. Have fun." She smiled.

"What are you listening to?" I chuckled.

"This band called All Time Low. They're cool." Cassidy said.

"They are. I saw them in concert with Michael a few years ago. I've go to get going. Go back to sleep, bye." I said. She said bye back and I left her room. Shortly after that we left for the airport.


"Bye Caelyn!" They both shouted as I went to my plane. I putmy luggage in the thingy and took my seat. Now for the flight.

So Soon - Josh Ramsay/Marianas Trench Fanfiction (Sequel to Porcelain)Where stories live. Discover now