Putting a hand to her head, she shut her eyes. There was no doubt about it, she was drunk. Her head felt light, her vision was blurring, and her stomach did not feel right. She was drunk, for the first time, and she quite liked the numb feeling it gave her. Standing up she shuffled shakily off, even her legs felt light, looking down she laughed at the sight of them. Since when did legs look so strange? Was one thing she pondered over and then discovered something even funnier; hands. She turned hers over and over again and looked at them. She giggled at the sight of her fingers and wiggled them for good measure. She winced though when she went to roll her hands and her wrist suddenly ached.

What did she do to her wrist again? Same went for her ankle. Now that she truly pondered over it, she ached. The wine which had so brilliantly numbed her was now wearing off. Stumbling to turn, she squinted her eyes back the way she came. The room seemed so far away! Could she honestly be bothered to go back there? No, not really. Turning again, she shuffled off with a groan, eventually she appeared on the stage and plopped down heavily. Leaning back against her hands, she sighed heavily and winced. Is this honestly how her father felt each and every day? Opening her eyes when there were the sounds of footsteps, she tilted her head to the side.

Erik slowly crouched down beside her and looked to her seriously. Fleurette couldn't help it, she burst out laughing. Putting her head in her hands she peeked through her fingers and continued to laugh even as the look he was sending her way darkened. "What have you done?" He asked, only to get more laughter.

"Nothing...no, nothing...I'm fine." Fleurette said while waving a hand at him and then smiling widely.

It didn't take much to figure out, even more so considering how they parted ways, and that a ruckus was happening in one of the back rooms. Even from the slight distance between them, Erik could smell the alcohol lingering on her. "You silly girl."

"Pfft," Fleurette replied while shooting him a look. "Who cares? It's a one off thing, Erik. Lighten up...if possible...maybe go get help, no wait, sorry, sorry, you already have. You know, even though I am not really with it, even I can smell perfume from here." Fleurette narrowed her eyes and pointed a finger at him. "You've had fun with your evening, and I've evidently had fun with mine. We're all happy!" She smiled and stood up and inclined her head to him. "Where's Gangle gone?" She muttered and got pulled to a stop when a hand appeared on her shoulder. "Don't," she said irritably while shaking his hand off and moving away. "Don't you dare look at me like that. I don't want your pity, Erik, God no...don't pity me for resulting to the lows that my father sunk to. Do you really wish to know why? I drunk the wine offered to me because it made me numb. It made me temporarily forget that what I've been doing for the past ten years, hasn't just been taken from me. And it also numbed the aches and pains both physically and mentally." Fleurette explained lowly while narrowing her eyes up at him. "Well done, really, super job, Erik. I hope you are most pleased with inviting Christine here, it was really genius of you, really...I commend you greatly." She rambled in her semi drunken state.

"I didn't-"

"Do it purposely? Oh, come off it, man! You know that's a lie, and so do I. Stop lying, Lord above! Seriously, look," Fleurette rubbed her forehead and sighed heavily. She was suddenly not feeling too great. "You clearly have your own agenda for it, but you should have thought about the consequences." She opened her eyes and looked to him blankly. Shaking her head she slowly, turned away from him. "...Good night." She said awkwardly. Really she was at a loss. She had blurted out all her feelings and thoughts in one go, and now she was at a loss.

Self-destruction was something which was never pleasant to see. Out of all behaviours to witness from a person, it was perhaps one of the least pleasant to observe. Being the source of that destruction was something which was an extremely heavy burden to bear. Out of all people to cave and do something reckless, Erik could openly admit he did not expect such a thing to come from Fleurette.

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