The curiosity inside of me grows bigger as I watch Louis walk down the abandoned pathway under this bridge and next to a lake. Before I can think twice, I'm already crossing the road and following him with the path. 

This path isn't the best for people to be walking alone on. It's abandoned and most abandoned things are either haunted or crowded with hidden rapists. But I keep walking with tensed shoulders and in hopes that I'm going the same way Louis is. It isn't long before I reach a double sider and I'm stumped because I don't know which way Louis has gone. 

This is how my life ends, isn't it? Tell my dog I love him. 

Yeah, I don't have a dog. 

Deciding to choose the left path, I walk through the alleyway and straight into the panel next to the lake. It really is a beautiful lake. It's a shame people stopped coming here altogether, and I'm guessing it's worse that I don't know why people stopped. I'm probably walking over someone's death spot right now. 

But then I see him. He's sitting on a log, his back turned to me and there seems to be smoke coming out of his body. He's probably smoking...what if the person gave him weed to smoke? 

I have never been so revealed to see Louis before. Looking back once to make sure there's no coyote or person behind me, I walk faster over to Louis. 

"Why are you here?" Louis says taking another drag. 

I jump, startled that he's noticed me. Wow, I can't stop making things awkward for me. "I, um, came for a walk?" 

I'm then taken by surprise when Louis moves over on the log, giving me space to sit. Before I start drooling over the gesture, I sit down and make sure not to look at him. Neither of say anything for a while but I know that he knows that I probably followed him. Well, that doesn't look good on my part, but in my defence, I didn't even mean to follow him. I saw him from across the street and wanted to see if he was okay. 

For someone who would've done absolutely anything a couple months ago for a conversation with him, it really doesn't look good on my part. But I wouldn't say I was obsessed...more like, super head over heels for him. 

Realizing I still have the balloons from Elizabeth and Brendon, I pull one out and in the lack of confidence say, "Want one?" 

He looks at it for a moment. It's almost as if he's judging the deflated balloon for all the wrongs it's done. "A balloon?" 

I nod stiffly and give a crooked smile. "I've got a bag full in my pocket." 

Louis gives me a shock again when he actually takes the balloon and stuffs it in his pocket. I do whatever I can to not smile. "What's the occasion?"

I contemplate on telling him. Last time Patrick was ever brought into a conversation, he claimed that he wouldn't do anything for me. If I tell him that it was for the birthday party we had planned for Patrick but he isn't showing this year, that conversation may be brought up again. Although the apology did good for me, I don't want to go through another argument- even if they are kind of fun. Especially when he's actually really chill right now. 

Is he high? Is that why he isn't snapping at me? Well, it's not like I can tell him to not do drugs. It's his life and when's the last time he listened to me? 

Actually, when's the first?

I shrug. "They said buy five bags for two pounds, I couldn't resist the deal." It's not a lie, that actually was the case. But we just didn't buy five bags because we all know I'd probably end up inhaling the balloon while trying to blow it up and start choking. "You're not, um, you're not doing-"

"Doing drugs? Smoking cannabis?" Louis interrupts. I nod and compress my lips in a thin line. He gives an unfeeling laugh. "No." 

Great, now he probably thinks I assumed that because of his appearance. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, I just saw that guy and- well, I know it wouldn't be your first time having weed," I stutter over my words. "I'm not trying to offend you. I just say whatever's on my mind. Oh, wait, I don't think you do drugs, either- well, actually, I've never really thought about it before..." 

Taking a deep breath, I mentally smack myself. "Do you know what I mean?" 

He gives a faint smirk. I probably would've even have noticed it. "You're fine."

I flash a sheepish smile and rub my hands together. "What are you doing here, anyway? This place is so eerie and creepy." 

"It's a shortcut." He simply responds with. 

"You probably shouldn't be here, though," 

"Nothing's going to happen to me." He says. 

I make a sound between a snort and a chuckle. "That's what they all say," 

He gives a small laugh and my heart flutters. 

a/n: sorry, i ran off schedule cause i had been over at someone's house and then yesterday i got lazy so slkfhlsjh


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