Helping friends

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Ruby pov

As Alduin is walking away, Jaune and I were running to catch up with him. When we caught up to him I tap shoulder and he turns around

Ruby: hey Alduin did you really mean what you said back there.

Alduin: absolutely that also goes for you to Jaune, in team JNPR you're the only one suited to be the leader. You just need to believe in yourself, and Ruby you also do need to study abit more but keep being you. I got to go now Oz needs me so talk to you guys later.

As he walks away from us I feel a lot happier after what he said to us but I do need to make it up to Weiss some how and show her I can be a good leader.

Jaune: hey rubes let's go get lunch

Ruby: ok Jaune let's go.

Alduin pov

I walk into Ozpins office to see what he needs from me.

Ozpin: ah son I need you to go on a mission.

Alduin: what type of mission is it dad.

Ozpin: a long one. I need you to do a Grimm extermination on the south west side of vale.

Alduin: do you know how many I'll be dealing with.

Ozpin: there are reports of around 10-20,000 from the energy readings we are getting from there. If you can even get rid of half of them that would be grateful.

Alduin: I'll get rid of about 75% of them in about a 10 days.

Ozpin: ok then I'll explain to the class that you will not be here for about 10 days. You leave tomorrow morning get some rest and pack for the 10 days you're away, and wear you're reaper clothes just in case.

Alduin: sure thing dad, oh can you tell Yang and Blake to meet me in the morning I want to give them something.

I leave his office and head to my but on the way I hear Cardin laughing and I see him and his group being mean to a cute bunny girl.

Cardin: you show piss off home you freak of a faunus.

???: please just leave me alone.

I walk up to him and grab is arm and slam him into the wall.

Alduin: I suggest you leave the cute bunny girl alone Cardin or I will hurt you.

Cardin: ok we will let me go please.

I let go and kick him away while his group run away I then look at the cute faunus.

Alduin: you ok there cutie they didn't hurt you did they.

She shakes her head.

Alduin: ok that's good then, what's you're name cutie.

Velvet: m-my name is velvet.

I pet her head making her blush.

Alduin: well velvet it was nice to meet you I'll talk to you some time ok.

She nods as I walk away I pull my scroll out and start texting someone.

Alduin: hey my tub of ice cream how are you.

???: Alduin is that you.

Alduin: who else would it be Neo.

Neo: oh shut it smart-ass I missed you it's been what 2 months since we last talked.

Alduin: yeah sorry about that Neo I've just been really busy lately.

Neo: no it's fine I understand what it's like to be busy.

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