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Hey guys welcome to my story I have a lot of ideas for this story but I will ask Wat u guys would like to seen in this story from time to time so I hope u enjoy this story

17 Years ago Ozpin P.O.V

I was sitting in my office looking through some files with a cup of coffee in my hands, waiting to here of any news from Qrow about the strange power fluctuations on the far side of emerald forest. Though I guess I didn't have to wait much longer as I see the elevator open to see Qrow come rushing in with something in one arm and a scythe of some sort in the other.

Ozpin: "Qrow what's that in you hands"

Qrow: "Ozpin I'm not to sure it looks like a faunus but one I have never see before". the half drunk man said as he laid the scythe pulling out his flask and taking a swig

Ozpin: "Bring it to me and let me have a look" Qrow walks over to the gray haired man giving him the faunus. " were right I've never see something like this before. How did u find him Qrow tell me everything"

Qrow's pov 7 hours earlier

I was walking through the emerald forest I could feel the energy signature getting stronger. I've been out here for hours looking for whatever it is causing this powerful energy. Thirty more minutes of walking till I found where it was coming from.

I see a old man kneeling over a baby with a giant black and blue scythe in his hands, largest scythe I have ever laid eyes upon. 'What is he doing to it'

???. "I know you're there come out and I won't kill you."

I walk out cautiously with my weapon drawn ready for anything. 'His power is immense he could easily kill me as I would drink alcohol'.

???. Why are you here have you come to kill this little king. If so I will exterminate you right now.

I stop moving forward I hated to admit this but I was terrified of this old man's power. 'Wait what does he mean by little king'.

"I'm sorry I don't understand stand what u mean by little king".

???: *sighs*. "This little guy is the next dragon king as he was born from the previous king and his crocodile faunus of a queen. That makes him a half dragon half faunus hybrid and the only son of the previous king".

I just stood there in shock of what I am hearing. I have never heard of a half dragon half faunus hybrid before I didn't even think it was possible for that to happen.

"Then are you his dad".

???: Don't ever compare my to such a great king. I am just a old friend of his that has been asked to look after his son, but right now he is hurt badly hurt and I'm trying to link his soul to my scythe so I can then seal my power and soul inside of my scythe to save him or he will die.

I just stand there trying to take in all of this information in. Then the old man looked at me.

???: Can I ask of you for a favor

"Yes what is it that you ask of me". Takes a swig

???: I ask of you to look after this boy until he is strong enough to look after himself as he will be hunted by powers stronger then could imagine as I will be in a deep sleep as I recover from using to much power to save him

"Yes I will look after the boy for you since you asked so nicely and I couldn't just leave him out here knowing a baby is alone". That and I don't want to know what would happen if I said no".

Dragon Kings Domain: Beginning Of The Journey (rwby x oc x harem)Where stories live. Discover now