"We have to try to make contact with them." she said thinking everything through her head.

"I already did. I sent Lacy to go tell them about the monster attacks." I said looking at her.

Annabeth looked at me confused. "You sent Lacy to contact them?"

"Yes, I did. She already knew one of them from school so she would have been the best choice for a peaceful meeting."

We were all quiet for a while, but then the Big Houses front door slammed open.

"I need to speak with Percy. I carry news from Carter Kane."

Lacy told us everything about the group of magicians and that Carter said he'd be ready when I called for him.

"What does Lacy mean when she says he's ready for when you call?" Annabeth asked curiously. I thought about not telling them but decided against it. "That kid wrote his name on my hand with special ink that disappeared. He told me that if I said his name he would come to me. I don't know how though it must be some sort of magic. I thought he was insane, but obviously I was wrong." (Well partly wrong.)

Annabeth looked completely stunned. "I don't understand..."

"Well that's a first." I muttered cutting her off.

She rolled her eyes in annoyance and continued. "How could he writing on your hand and you saying his name make him come to you?" Annabeth questioned, getting that look on her face she gets when she's thinking too hard.

"I don't know to be honest." I said nonchalantly. Chiron trotted over with his hand on his chin while he was thinking. We all stood there quietly, but that quickly ended when we heard a monstrous roar from outside.

"Here we go again." Annabeth sighed.

"Maybe it's just Clarisse on a rampage again." I said with a grin. Annabeth rolled her eyes, and pulled out her new dagger. (She had lost her old one when we fell into Tartarus.) She then ran out the front door.

Lacy and I soon ran out after her, and right when we got outside I saw my home on fire. Cabins were burning, the strawberry fields were ablaze, and the forest looked like a wild fire. Sayters and campers were running in every direction. Tree nymphs were screaming in pain and falling to the ground dying has their trees burned to the ground.

That's when I saw it. The serpent was at least as big as the Empire State building was tall, and it was just as wide. Its body was on fire burning everything it touched. The thing roared again spewing out more fire on to the camp. We all stood there in terror, until Annabeth yelled "I have a plan!" We all turned to look at her as she explained the plan to us.

We then ran off in all different directions. Annabeth towards the serpent, Lacy towards a group of screaming campers, and I ran toward the beach. If this plan didn't work there would be nothing left of our camp for the others to come back to.

I waited on the beach for Annabeth to lore the serpent closer to me. The other campers had joined in thanks to Lacy and were trying their best to trick it into the trap. The serpent wasn't stupid though it would just snarl and snap at them spewing fire everywhere. It snapped at Annabeth and missed her by an inch making her hair singe.

One camper wasn't so lucky though. The serpent snapped at him, and when he went to jump out of the way got snatched up and was eaten whole. (Gods I would hate to be that guy. Ugh, just thinking about it makes me cringe. (A\N: Danisnotonfire CRINGE ATTACK YouTube episode!!!! It's so funny!!! Thanks for my editor for showing me! #hacked)

On that note, I decided I was not waiting any longer. I raised my hands into the air willing the water to rise into a wall behind me. I made the water start to spin around me moving faster and faster. The winds started to pick up until I had my own mini hurricane.

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