chapter 66

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I was having fun tonight. I mean, I was with all my friends but there’s something that I needed with me. I needed someone, and that someone was [Y/N]. I didn’t know whether to talk to her or not. It was a difficult situation. I don’t want her and Chloe fighting again, I’m sick of it. Everything’s so confusing…

"Hey love what’s up?" said Harry who was dancing with me on the dance floor. He might have noticed my mood.

"I don’t know… I miss her Harry"

"Who?" Argh… sometimes he seemed a little bit retarded.


"Aww…" he said hugging me. And that was one of the things why I loved him although he can be a little bit retarded sometimes. "Why don’t you talk to her? I’m sure she wants to talk to you"

"I don’t know Harry… I’ve been mean to her… and she confirmed herself she did all the Twitter thing. I’m so tired of this situation…" he kissed my cheek as I sighed one more time.

"Well… I’m not sure about that but you’ve been friends now for a while… I’m sure she misses you as well…"

"Are you sure?" I asked him. He nodded and looked at my eyes. I pressed then my lips onto his. That was what I needed to forget everything. His kisses always took me to 9 cloud and I could just stopped thinking. 

20th May 2013.


I’ve been trying to talk to [Y/N] lots and lots of times but or she was busy with her band, being interviewed or in a photoshoot or I wasn’t brave enough to speak to her…

We’re in Italy today, Milan, to be exactly. Chloe and I decided to go shopping and look around Milan, one of the most fashionable cities in the world. I was so excited, to be honest.

"Wow, you look amazing with that dress Chloe"

"Do I?"

"Yeah, buy it, just don’t think it anymore!"

The more I spent time with Chloe the more I realized how much I missed her. We used to do all these things together. Going shopping, going to the Starbucks to have our favorite Capuccino or spending the night just talking about boys or what happened in our day. But what I miss the most is to spend time with her. When she and I were together it was like everything that was around us didn’t matter for us. We didn’t matter the way we look, the things we did, or how ugly we were in a certain day. We didn’t mind because all that mattered was us. Our friendship, to be together. We were like sisters.

24th May 2013


We’re here in Spain! One of my favorite countries!! We had today a concert in Madrid and all the crew were so excited! Sun! We needed sun, specially [Y/N]. I don’t know but I was so worried about her. She was getting paler and paler as time went by. And I would say that she was thinner, the bones in her cheek showed now and her collarbones were prominent. Her arms were even thinner maybe? That’s why I was going to take her after the concert on a date. We haven’t been well lately so that’s why I decided to take her and taste Spanish food, just to have some time for ourselves.

I was excited and happy to be honest. Finally we will get some time for ourselves! It’s not that I didn’t enjoy the other’s company but it’s so good when you can share time with the girl you love. In the concert I couldn’t concentrate at all. I was thinking on her, on tonight, on how amazing this date would be. It had to be perfect! When we finished I went directly to my changing room to have a quick shower and get ready for tonight. We weren’t going to head back to the hotel, we were going from the arena.

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