chapter 34 (part 2)

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The night was going perfectly fine. Everyone was having fun, dancing, all the couples where showing their love...

[Y/N] and Niall were having fun together, they had chemistry, sparks flew when they laughed, smiled or even when they looked at each other.

"[Y/N] would you like going to have a walk with me outside?"

"Yeah, why not?" she said as he held her hand leading her to the door.

The two of them were walking through the beautiful garden decorated with lights and flowers. It wasn't very cold so they could stay outside as much as they wanted.

"You're beautiful tonight [Y/N]"

"You've already told me Niall, please, I'm not that beautiful"

"Yes you are, at least for me, and that's all that matters"

"Thanks" It's all she thought on saying.

"Would you dance with me princess [Y/N]?"

"Sure, I would" she said

Both of them danced slowly. She rested her head on his chest. Her hands were resting on his shoulder and his hands were around her waist, wanting to hug her. Then he buried his head on her neck while he could smell her perfume, placing small kisses on her neck going up to his jaw line, her cheek and stopping at her lips. He stared at her for about one minute. Their lips were just a few inches away from each other's. He wanted to kiss her and she wanted him to kiss her.

"[Y/N], what are we?" he asked

She stayed quiet. She didn't know the answer. She didn't know if they were just good friends or something more serious.

"I don't know Niall... What are we?"

"[Y/N], I think I've found that someone, there's a feeling inside me that is telling me that. She's perfect for me, she's caring, flawless, friendly... she's everything I've ever wanted and I've waited for so long"

"Oh, I see... So, Good luck I guess, I'm sure she's a lucky girl" she said.

"No, I'm lucky because I have her"

"Well, you didn't answer the question, what are we?"

"Well, I don't know what we are but I want you to be my princess, would you be mine [Y/N]? you're my everything"

"I thought your everything was your fans"

"And they are but you're different"

"But, what about them? I would have a lot of hate"

"And what about yours?"

"I don't have half as much as you have Niall"

"But I'm sure you will, you're a good actress, a nice person and a really good singer"

"If I say yes, they're going to hate me and I'm fragile Niall, you know my past. I don't know if I could handle something like that"

"But you will have me, I'll protect you, you're not alone. I swear I won't let anything hurt you. I don't want you to be hurt because it kills me. But ok, I understand" he said walking towards the door

"Niall, wait" he stopped and turned around. She went towards him.

"I want me to be yours. I want to be your princess"

"Forever and always?"

"We'll try" she said as they kissed. The kiss was passionate, full of love. His fingers were intertwined as they played with their tongues.

They could stay like that forever but someone interrupted them.

"God Niall, you're here" said Zayn "And kissing [Y/N], yees! I knew it!! Oh, my little man... he's growing up! Please, [Y/N] don't ever hurt him; I know you won't but anyways, I tell you. Well, let's go inside, they're going to announce who's your princess"

"She's my princess, I don't need anyone else"

"Well, let's go inside"

They came back inside the party. Everyone was looking at Liam. He was the one who was going to tell who was the princess.

"Well, here he is. Niall, please come here" said Liam through the microphone. He went up and stood next to him.

"Well, we thought as you being the prince you will need a princess, won't you?" Everyone said yes

"Well, here's the name of your princess, ok, let's see..." he said opening the envelope. "And your princess is... [Y/N]!!!"

He was more than happy now. Everyone had chosen her to be his princess and that meant that they approved of her.

"[Y/N] please, come here!" she went and stood next to Niall. Liam put a crown in her head and they whispered some things in their ears.

"What if we make it official right now?"



"Ok, let's do it" she said and they kissed in front of everyone causing a shock in their face and after a few seconds there were awww's and cheers.

He grabbed the microphone to say some words as he was holding her hand at the same time.

"Well, first of all I would like to thank everyone for coming, it really means to me you know... after the accident and all that stuff... but I'm ok now, and thank you for your support as well, but I want to say a massive thank you to this beautiful girl who's by my side. She has been with me every single day at the hospital and well... I just wanted to say that even though you've chosen her for being my princess she was already my princess before all of this. So... that's it, enjoy the party!"

Everyone clapped and when they went down the stage everyone was going towards him to say that they were a really cute couple and that they were just so lovely together.

"Yayyyy, man! Finally you told her what you feel" Louis said

"Yeap haha"

"Well, I hope you two are happy together" Eleanor said

"Yeah, you are a very cute couple" Perry added.


"Theresa!!!!!!" Theresa was running towards her. "I've seen it all, finally, you two, together! That was meant to be! But Niall, if you hurt her I will make your balls baby's food"

"Don't worry, I can't hurt her, she means a lot to me" he said kissing her cheek.

"Awww, look how cute they are. The happy couple" Harry said

"Ok, ok, just stop talking about us. I'm blushing. Theresa, can I talk to you for a second?" [Y/N] said

"Yeah, sure" they went somewhere where they could talk calmly.

"Ok, what do you want to tell me?"

"What's between you and Harry?"

"I don't know, [Y/N]..."

"You're not friends, you're more than that that's for sure and you know it, so, what are you waiting for?"

"I don't know... Maybe I'm afraid of falling in love and be hurt again"

"Theresa, Harry is not like that, I don't think so. When he loves someone I think he wouldn't hurt you"

"I don't know... I like him, a lot, and I love being with him, but..."

"Well, don't think about it, just be you"

They headed back to the party and joined the others.

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