chapter 13 cont

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Chapter 13 Part 2

We finished filming and went straight home to have some rest, have a coffee, shower...

We were almost ready and it was time for the boys to come.

(You decide which outfit is for you and Theresa)

The doorbell rang, wow, they were on time, like always. I opened the door and it was Harry. I went straight to his lips; I've missed them too much to waste more time.

"Wow, Hi to you too!" he said giggling, "You're ready, ladies?"

"Yes, let's go, James is waiting for us already!" I said as Theresa was going out the house and locking the door.

He didn't say a word, I think he doesn't like him very much. I don't know, but he has to deal with it, he's my best friend's boyfriend.

We went in his car and soon we arrived at the restaurant. We were the last ones because everyone was already seated on the table. We said hi to everyone and seated on the 3 seats that were left.

Niall was in front of me, in his right, Louis facing Theresa, in his left Zayn, facing Harry and in the corner Liam, facing James.

We have already ordered. Niall, of course, ordered like 4 dishes and 2 desserts. How can he eat so much without getting fat? I can't understand it!

Harry's hand was in my lap. As the cheeky boy he is, he tried to go farther than he should, so I stopped him a few times 'cause we were in public. One of those times he got upset.

"Dammit, [Y/N] you're so sexy tonight, please, let me..."

"Harry, we're in public"


"Shh" I said cutting him off and giving a peck on his lips.

I saw Niall was staring at me very strange. He never had looked at me like that.

"Nialler, are you alright?" I asked.

He shook his head, like if he was daydreaming.

"Yeah, yeah..."

Niall's P.O.V

Wow, [Y/N] is so hot tonight! I mean, I haven't seen her in a while and I swear she's sexier and more beautiful everyday. Ok, Niall, stop thinking that. She's one of your best friend's girlfriend, and man, she's your best friend, the one who I can play with, I can talk with about everything, so just stop thinking that things...

Suddenly I heard my name, it was [Y/N]

"Nialler, are you alright?" she asked me

"Yeah, yeah..." I said giving her a little smile.

[Y/N] P.O.V

The meal came and everyone started eating when suddenly my phone buzzed. I looked at it. It was a text message.

"Who is it?" Harry said.

"David, again..." I said putting the phone inside my clutch. He has been texting me the whole dinner! It's already getting annoying, it's like every 10 minutes that passed by I received a message from him. I stopped texting him of course, but he didn't stop. I saw Harry getting irritated whenever my phone buzzed. If Harry read those texts messages... That's why I deleted every single text he send me.

"Just text him to fuck off [Y/N]. Tell him to get a life or something I don't know"

"Harry, he's my friend, I know it's getting annoying but I can't say that to him, he's my co-worker, don't you understand that? What did we talk about the other day, Harry? I'm with you, not with him, so keep calm!

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

We finished and Zayn suggested going to a club. We had to use the time properly with the boys. They were here for 2 more days and I didn't want to waste time. So we headed to an exclusive club very glamorous with lights everywhere and good atmosphere. We went inside and it wasn't very crowded so we could breath. James went home because he had a photo shoot for a catalogue the next day and he had to wake up early.

I gave my clutch to Harry and Theresa and I went directly to the dance floor, we wanted to dance, but in our style, just fooling around and doing stupid choreographies but at the same time being sexy. All the boys went straight to the bar to ask for some drinks and some of them were seated on the chairs and the rest were standing next to them


"I love this drink, do you want one" Zayn said to Harry. "Harry! I'm talking to you"

"Sorry Zayn, just look right there"

All the boys looked at the girls, some of them with "WOW" faces and the others just with normal faces... They stared at them like 5 minutes or so without saying a word.

"Damn man, they're hot! Can I steal your girlfriend for a day mate?" Louis said to Harry

"Yeah, more than one would like to take away from you Harry, she's hot" added Niall

"Yeah, but did you see Theresa? She's hotter than fire man" Said Louis

"Mate, I remind you you have a girlfriend" said Harry

"Yeah, and she's very hot too and I love her so much, but there's things I have to say"

"Well, I love Perrie but they are... they are too gorgeous" Said Zayn

"Yeah" added Liam, he had broken up with Danielle very recently so he didn't want to talk about love and those kind of things.


I was staring at the girls dancing... [Y/N] was so sexy but there's something about Theresa that was getting me crazy. I don't know if it was her smile, they way she was moving, how beautiful she is...

I wasn't paying attention to the conversation between all the boys about them, but Niall said something that reminded me of someone.

"Yeah, more than one would like to take away from you Harry, she's hot"

I thought about that guy who works with [Y/N] in the film, what was his name? Daniel, Devon...

Suddenly I felt a buzz from [Y/N]'s clutch. What did I have to do? Look at it? Keep it in the clutch? I didn't know but if it was an emergency? Or something about the film... or...? So I grabbed the phone and saw a new text message... From David, yeah that was his name.

I asked me a few times if it was a good idea to read it, if [Y/N] would get mad at me if I read it... But jealousy was getting over me, so I read it. WTF?

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