chapter 44

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3th November 2012


I couldn't wait any longer. I had to tell her. My heart said yes but my mind said no because I knew how she was going to react, but I needed to tell her because if I didn't everything will be worst.

I've waited for her to come after her meeting with the sony records. She deserved that, she deserved to have a record deal. Her voice was like the voice of an angel fulfilling the human ears. I couldn't stop listening to her, I could spend hours and hours listening to her, her songs and her music.

I turned around when I heard the sound of the keys opening the door.

"Guess whaaaaat?" she said smiling

"You have it?" I said smiling too

"Yes!!!!!! I'm gonna record a CD! Wow it's amazing Theresa, I'm an actress, I'm gonna sing... do you remember when we were young and had those fairy conversations about our future? Well, it's really happening Theresa! And the best part is that I can share it with two of the people I love most in the world. You and Niall..."

Ok, this is gonna be hard after all she said, but I needed to. I had to leave tomorrow and the time was now.

"[Y/N] sweetie, can I talk to you?"

"Yes, of course, is something wrong?"

"Yes, something is wrong..."

"What is it?" she said as we both sat in the sofa.

"Well, you know I'm going to be a Victoria's angel don't you?" she nodded with her head in approval. "There's one part of the deal that says I have to go to some internal school for models you know... to form us, the new models"

"So... so you're leaving?" I nodded with my head because it hurt me seeing her like that, she was hurt. "What happen with the dream we had of living together?"

"I know, I'm sorry"

"But, since when did you know that?"

"Since the day they told me"

"And why haven't you told me this before?"

"I don't know, I didn't want to see you like this, I know you're happy with Niall and because of the record deal"

She stood there looking throw the window as rain was dropping outside.

"So... this is your last night here" she murmured.

"Yes, I'm afraid it is... ... Sorry, I have to keep packing things"

"Do you want me to help you?" I nodded and both of us went to my bedroom.


After packing all her stuff we sat on the sofa as always did. Our last night together... It felt weird... We cuddled all night just talking about everything but tomorrow.

"Theresa... I would like you to have this" I said giving her my bracelet.

"What? No! That's your favorite bracelet [Y/n] No way"

"Please, you will remember me when you look at it and maybe that's the way I can always be with you"

She hesitated but then accepted my bracelet. I put it in her wrist as both of them looked at it.

"Here" he said taking off her necklace "For you so that you can always remember me"

"Omg, this is sad" I said. I was about to cry in any moment. I was going to leave here alone, without her... "Can I go and visit you"

"Yeah, you can visit me whenever you want. It's not like I'll be there day and night without going out you know... I can hang out at nights and everything but then I have to work, it's like high school"

"Two hours away from you, what am I gonna do!?" I said giggling "Have you told Harry?" she nodded looking down "What does he say?"

"He wasn't very happy at first but then I convinced we can make it. I know it's going to be hard but yeah, we can work it out. He promised visiting me every weekend"

"Aww, that's so sweet. He really likes you"

"Yes, he's such a sweetheart with me... I feel bad for him, I'm such a bad person for leaving him"

"Oh, don't be, you're just following your dream, you'll see it will be worth it!"

We hugged each other and stay like that until the two of us fell asleep.

25th November 2012

This house is cold and empty without her. I miss her diary. It's not the same without her. Mornings are boring... I don't have anyone to make me breakfast and oh gosh that coffee she made... I miss how she used to come to my bedroom to wake me up and I miss those silly moments that only she and I had once in a while. I know I've not been writing much but there's no much to tell. Everything is boring. Not everything I mean, but my life has changed completely since she left. I had to do everything by my own now without her help.

I talk to her sometimes when she's not busy. She'd met a girl, her roommate. Her name is Chloe. Blonde straight hair with light blue eyes. She says Chloe has the perfect facial factions and the perfect body with her curves but she was smaller than Theresa though. About her personality she told me Chloe was just so cute and friendly, she was funny too and that she was happy to have her because they have a lot of things in common and that way, the living was going to be easier.

My music career was going pretty well actually. The boys have been all sweethearts with me. They advised me with the tune, how to sing, the sound of the guitar... Since she left I've spend most of my time in the studio, composing, writing or just playing music. When Niall wasn't away he liked coming with me and we could spend the whole day inside making music, such a beautiful melodies. I have recorded some tracks that were going to be included in the CD, I have a bunch more that we had to listen again because we wasn't sure about them. My first single will be released a few weeks before Christmas, it hasn't been picked yet, we're doubting between some songs, one was a slow one and the other two were danceable.

About Niall and I... We're good :) I love him more each day. When he's here he loves inviting me to his house or coming over here to spend the day together or cook for me or just to do whatever that cross our minds. Now that Theresa was gone he loves sleeping over at mines. That was weird. It's always been our house... Anyways... Niall and I are going to [Insert your country here] a week before Christmas to see my family and introduce him to them. He was nervous haha but to be honest he wants to meet my parents and little sister. I need some getaway from this stressful life. I need some rest and forget everything and that week was the special moment. Just Niall and me, and my family.

When I Found You (A Niall FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora