chapter 21

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As Niall was with Allyson dancing and [Y/N] with David, Theresa was alone. So I went to her. She was dancing alone and I went behind her back touching her shoulder and going down slowly ‘till her hand, holding it. She turned around; I would say she was a bit afraid, because she wasn’t expecting anyone. Then she smiled at me and looked again to the floor. She turned over and I pulled her closer to me. Body against body, still holding her hand. Her other hand was on the back of my neck intertwining her fingers with my curls playing with them. Our movements were perfectly synchronized. They were slow but at the same time sensual. I could also smell her perfume, she smelled so well. Passion fruit mixed with cherry, I’m sure.


Harry was behind me and our hips were swinging slowly with the beat of the song. My head was rested on his chest and my hand still holding his.  It was a bit awkward being with him after all that happened. I still think he’s a jerk, not a real gentleman for me. He’s just a child. But there’s something about him that made me melt right on my knees.

I turned over to face him. [We are one, tonight, and we’re breathing…] He stared at me as I stared at him, not saying a word, not moving, just my hand in his chest and the other one holding his hand. Our eyes were stuck in each other. Breathing slowly but nervously at the same time. I could only look to his lips. Suddenly, I remembered he was such an idiot and I knew I couldn’t do this. So I took off of his hand after saying I was sorry and run away from him leaving him alone with a “poker face” in the middle of the dance floor.


I was dancing with David very close to him and near us, was Niall and Allyson dancing as well like two idiots in love. Sometimes I looked to them and I could see Niall staring at us when I looked. Then, it ended up being a competition. If I held David hand, he held Allyson’s hand. If I gave him a hug, he kissed her on the cheek. And like this over and over again for a long time.


This was the war, it seemed like a war at least. We competed for no reason. I don’t know what to do, what to think, what to feel anymore… I just knew she was in front of me with another guy that wasn’t me and it was pissing me off, really pissing me off. Although I was with Allyson, it wasn’t the same. I only was with her because [Y/N] was with David to be honest, and I knew Allyson liked me. I know it’s not right but I can’t control my feelings, can I?


I could feel jealousy growing up inside me, and I couldn’t stand it anymore. So I turned around and kissed David right on his lips. He was surprised at first, I’m sure but then he kissed me back, like if it was the end of our lives. I knew he would kiss me back because he likes me. Maybe I was a stupid for doing that but that night, I wasn’t myself at all.


Suddenly [Y/N] kissed David. She was being such a… SHE LOOKED AT ME RIGHT BEFORE KISSING HIM! What game was she playing if I can ask? Ok, Niall, just calm the fuck down. She is your friend, she even doesn’t like you. You’re with Allyson now. So stop it! But I couldn’t. So I took Allyson with me leaving the happy couple kissing alone.


When David and I finished kissing he smiled at me, but I couldn’t so I looked to the ground and then where Niall and Allyson were, but they weren’t there anymore, so we went where everyone else was.

We seated all together on a table and decided to play this game “I’ve never…” with shots. Louis was with Eleanor, Zayn with Perrie still dancing and Sean had found a girl to dance with. So it was only David, Theresa, Allyson, Niall, Harry and I.

 “Ok, I’ll start, so… who has ever felt sexually attracted to anyone of the table?” said David. Everyone had a shot. C’mon it was so obvious! Easy question, next please!

“Who wants to kiss anyone of this table right now?” said Harry.  And everyone drank one again.

“Who have never had sex here?” said Theresa. We all had a shot but Allyson.

“You’re still a virgin babe?” Niall said

“Yeah” she replied shyly.

“Ohh, that’s so cute Ally”

Ohh, that’s so cute Ally… Now he called her Ally?! Jerk…

We played a few more rounds until I was feeling a bit dizzy and I needed to go to the bathroom so I excused myself. After peeing I put a bit of gloss on my lips and retouched my make up and hair and then I went out of the toilet.

“Can we talk, please?” said a voice. A voice that was easy to recognize. That Irish accent was distinct. I looked up and he was leaning against the wall with one of his legs bent and resting against the wall as he was rubbing his hair making it a bit messy. I love when he does that!

“What do you want to talk about?” I said

“Why are you mad?”

“Niall, if you’re going to start telling me again this shit I’ll go…” I said leaving but he stopped me pulling me closer to him.

“I know you’re mad, just tell me why”

I had no reason why I was upset, actually. It was the simple fact of being Niall and Allyson together. But I wasn’t going to say that to him.

“I’m not mad” I said facing the floor. I couldn’t stare at his blue eyes. I just couldn’t.

“Please, [Y/N], stop acting like a child. Just tell me!”

“I thought we were friends. You could’ve told me about you and Allyson”

“Are you sure is that?” he said

“Y-y-yes” I said still facing the floor. Our heads were just a few inched away from each other and I could smell his breath full of vodka.

“Look me in the eyes and say it’s not something else” he insisted. He was still holding my back and one of his hands was in my cheek rubbing it softly.

I looked at his eyes and I stared at him wanted to say that was it. But I couldn’t, so instead I whispered:

“This is ridiculous, Niall” and I went away from him coming back where everyone else was. 

When I Found You (A Niall FanFic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon