chapter 30

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"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Niall said going towards him and punched him right on his face making me fell over to the ground with him.

"OMG [Y/N] are you ok?" he said. I didn't say anything. David was going to take my hand

"Don't dare. Don't touch her" he said standing in front of me trying to protect me.

"You're nothing to tell me what I can do"

"Neither do you" Niall said

"I'm her boyfriend"

"No you're not!!" I screamed

"Shut up bitch!"

He was going to punch me but instead he punched Niall so hard that he fell unconscious on the floor.

"Niall!!!" I said

I was shocked, afraid and with anger now.

"You're an idiot!!! You don't know how much I hate you" I said crying and standing trying to kick him but Zayn stopped me.

"[Y/N] Leave him alone, he's not worth it. Liam please call an ambulance!" he said

Suddenly I heard a bunch of sirens. Two men were standing there with Theresa.

"That's the idiot who's tried to abuse her" she said pointing to David

"What?" he shouted, "I'm not, she's my girlfriend"

"Shut up gentleman, let's go" one of the police said handcuffing him and taking him out of the room.

I was with Niall trying to make him react but he didn't. The ambulance was here soon. Liam was going to go with him but I beg him to let me go instead of him. It was all my fault. I'm such a selfish person. If I'd said him the truth since the beginning... or if I had told him that I liked him... But no! I'm such an idiot for not telling him and he's unconscious now. That was supposed to be me not him, he's done nothing to me, he's tried to helped me instead and he's now here trying to breath...

"Please, Niall... React... Say something. I'm so sorry..." I said rubbing her hand.

Once in the hospital the doctors went with him to make him some test and I stood there alone. I seated on the floor with my legs flexed and my head hidden on them.

"[Y/N] where's he?" said Louis

"He's with the doctor. I'm such an idiot. I'm so sorry guys, it's all my fault"

"No, it's all my fault"

"But, why?" Liam said "You've done nothing honey"

I told them everything. I didn't care anymore. I needed to tell someone.

"[Y/N], that's not your fault. He's the one who must be in jail." Zayn said

"And all that bruises are because of him...?" Louis said. I nodded with my head.

"You should've told us. We would have helped you" Harry said

"I know but..."

"Babe, just don't think anymore" said Theresa hugging me.

We stood there until one of the doctors came to us.

"Are you any relatives from Mr Horan?" the doctor said

"We're his brother" Louis said

"Well, he's in a serious condition. He must have hit his head with something. He's in a coma now and... well, the next 24 hours will decide if he will wake up or not. I'm sorry"

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