chapter 58

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"Do you think Niall will be alright?" I asked Harry

"Don't know really... I mean, I think he need some time alone right now so going after him will make it more difficult"

"It's just... I feel so sorry for him" Harry put his arms around my waist as he kissed my head. I rested my head on his chest as I was looking at the atmosphere. I'm so lucky to have him. He's such a lovely person and I wouldn't ask anything more, just him.

"What are you thinking love?" he asked me and I smiled

"Us" He rested his face on my shoulder and then kiss my cheek.

"This is something out of this world, don't you think?"

"I was just thinking that! Everything's so perfect that I'm so scared everything turns the other way round"

"I think of that every night. I'm so happy with you at the moment and I think meeting you was the best mistake I've ever done in my life and I regret nothing about it, ya know?"

I giggled at his comment. Yeah, at first it was a mistake but everything happens for a reason, doesn't it?

"Yes, one more minute till new years eve!!"

"Are you excited babe?" he asked me

"Yes!, are you?"

"As long as I spend next years with you then hell yes!"

I turned around and faced him.

"Make a wish"

"A wish?"

"Yeah, a wish! Is one of my traditions! I've always done it before midnight!" I said "You first" He closed his eyes and made a concentration face.

"Ok, now you" I did the same thing and I smiled.

"3, 2, 1" With my eyes still closed I felt his wet lips pressed to mines, moving slowly and sweetly. I put my arms around his neck, playing with his curls as always and I didn't mind at all being in the magazines the next day giving Harry Styles a passionate kiss. It was New Years Eve! People share love, find love, or take their love back and I wasn't going to be left behind for God shake. His arms were in the arch of my back pulling me closer to him and I could feel his smile between our kisses.

"Happy New Year babe"

"Happy New Year Harry" I said and kissed him again.

We came back to the hotel wondering if [Y/N] had come back yet. Harry accompanied me to our hotel room and I opened the door silently just in case she was sleeping. I sticked out my head and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I closed the door quickly but quietly.

"What is it?" Harry said looking at me weirdly.

"Shhh!!" I started jumping and doing silly things pointing to the door.

"No, is [Y/N] with somebody?" his eyes were wide open as I nodded with my head but wait a moment, was he Niall with her or was another guy? Because if he was another guy I swear I'm going to interrupt whatever they were doing inside.

"Let's see if Niall's sleeping" We went then to their hotel room and opened the door quietly.

"Niall?" We switched on the lights and there was nobody inside.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I knew it!!!!!" I screamed. I was very happy for them! Finally!!

"How...? How this happened?"

"I don't know but the thing is, it happened and I don't care how it happened because it happened!!" I hugged Harry super excited and then he lift me up.

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