chapter 31

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11th September 2012

Thank God Niall is getting better! I was almost all day with him. His parents and brother stayed the night there and the boys Theresa and I came back to our houses.

Tonight I slept better than the other night. Finally I could have some rest. Today all the boys and us were going to meet to talk about Niall's birthday that was in two days while his brother and parents were with him.

We meet at our house because we hadn't got a car and Louis and Harry got one so they could come here. Soon they were here and sat in a circle in the living room.

"Well, anybody has an idea?" Theresa said. We were all thinking about it but no one said anything.

"What about a surprise party?" Louis suggested

"Well, I don't know guys, he will be a bit weak, don't you think?" I said

"That's true but we can invite only his closest friends" Harry replied

"Yeah, we could through a small party for him" Liam said, "I like that idea"

"Ok, so what about the theme? I want it to be something different!" Theresa said

"Well he really likes being the prince charming and well, [Y/N], you could be his princess" Zayn said raising his eyebrows

"Oh, guys, please, don't start" I said "Niall and I are only friends at the moment, if time want us to be something more, we will be, but at the moment we are just friends, but I like the idea of being a princess though"

"Ok, so theme chosen" Harry added "How about the place?"

"Mmm I think a disco will be too much for him" Liam said

"Yeah, I think we all agree with you"

"and his house?"

"No, It will be so much work to clean it up afterwards" Louis replied

"But, we can collaborate"

"You never collaborate when cleaning, Harry" said Liam "I've always have to clean it up"

"That's not true! I always clean"

"False, you never clean"

"Guyyyyys! I know a place... yeah, that is" I said smiling "It's perfect, trust me, I discovered it when I was walking down home."

"Ok, we trust you, so, now the present"

We discussed what we should buy him and everything. It had to be a huge gift because we were a lot and well, he deserved it. Once we decided what to buy him, we said that the boys were going to buy one thing and Theresa and I were going to choose the other thing because it involved women in it, so we were experts in those topics.

"Guys, are you hungry? We can cook for ya" Theresa said

"Yes, please, I'm starving"

"You seem Niall now" Liam said

"So, what do you want to eat?"

"I fancy something sweet" I said "Do you like cupcakes?"

"Yes, we love them!!" Louis answered "Actually we can make some for Niall, I'm sure he would like to. He loves them"

"Ok, so, let's make them then"

"Can I help?" suggested Harry

"Ok, but if you're going to help Styles, if you're not going to you'll come back to the sofa"

"Ok, miss" he said smiling and rolling his eyes

"Don't call me miss, I'm not your teacher" Theresa said giggling

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