chapter 57 part 2

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I'm not in the f***ing mood for stupid things. What the hell was going on? I couldn't understand anything. If Niall was there, then why the hell I was like 15 minutes inside waiting doing nothing?

I went straight back to the hotel. I really was trying to fix me but it's like I opened my wounds again. Instead of going to my room I stayed outside of the hotel because my eyes didn't let me see. They were blurry, they were in tears. I'm fragile. I know it and I admit it. But I wanted to be stronger. What happened in the past stayed in the past. I wanted to move on. I wanted to be a stronger woman who didn't care about what people say, do or think about me or what I'm doing at the moment. But I just simply couldn't. I went far, I'm here now because of me, because I wanted to be who I am now, and to get it, I had to forget the past, to leave it all behind me and move on. That's what I want to do now, forget the past, forget Niall, forget everything we lived, forget that he has ever existed and just move on to become a stronger girl. Someone who don't give a shit about anything. But I knew deep down that it was almost impossible to get. I was attached to him. It was like a part of me was left behind with him, like if he had took a part of my heart, the half of it, or maybe more than that 3/4 of it. The other 1/4 is what keeps me alive.

"[Y/N]?" I suddenly wiped my tears away from my face in case it was some fans or something. But it was Lucas. "Baby, what's wrong?" I just couldn't resist any longer and I hugged him. In this moments I would go to my mum or dad but he was the closest person that I had right now. He hugged me back trying to calm me down but my anxiety grew bigger and bigger. I just wanted to scream, scream to the world and ask why? why he had to cheat on me with that...ahhhh!!!! Instead I screamed to myself.

When I was a bit relaxed I moved away from Lucas. He was staring at me with concern.

"Can we just go home?" I said

"We can't, [Y/N]" I sighed in frustration. Why was everything so complicated?! "Sweetie, I thought you were with Theresa, Harry and Niall"

"Wait, you knew it?" He was silent, I had no answer. "Lucas, you knew it, right? Why I can't trust anyone?!" I said standing up and going outside. I don't know where I'm going. I just see lights through my eyes full of water.

I walked and walked going nowhere until I entered in a pub. I ordered a drink, after all it was New Years Eve. Just one hour left and it would be, new year, new girl.

"Hello beautiful" A man sat next to me but I didn't answer, he was kind of creepy and his breath smelled like alcohol. I just looked to the other side. Then I felt one hand going up my leg.

"What do you think you're doing?" I said slapping his hand. I stood up to go because I had already paid but he stopped me.

"You're not going anywhere" he replied with raspy voice. It was clear he was way too drunk.

"Excuse me but I'm going"

"No" and suddenly he tried to kiss me. My eyes watered again and I was fighting with all my strength to avoid his lips touching mines.

"Hey mate, fuck off" a man had just punched him in the face and I went shocked. I couldn't believe this was happening to me tonight. Everything. I started to cry again and this man hugged me until I was more or less ok.

"Thank you" I whispered

"Not a problem babe, it's dangerous to walk alone in the streets of NY alone for a beautiful girl like you" Wait a minute, I knew this voice. I knew so well this voice. I looked up and what my eyes saw was something I couldn't believe.

"David?" I suddenly moved away from him.

"Hey, [Y/N] it's ok, I'm not that creepy guy who was trying to take advantage of you. You know I'm your friend. Remember when we used to spend days and days talking"

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