chapter 3

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June 26th 2012

"Things are getting better"

Yeah, dear diary! Things are getting better each day. I can sum up this day with that quote.

We woke up late this morning because last night we went to bed late as well. I had fun yesterday night actually. It was so good. I'm getting used to this city. Well, excepting the weather. I woke up and I opened the curtains of my bedroom. What a horrible weather! Big dark grey clouds where dominating the sky of London, without forgetting what was coming next, thunders, and heavy rain. "What a beautiful way to start the day" I said to myself. It was horrible, but like I said, if everything is upside down, go upside down too to make it right!

Theresa and I had breakfast. We didn't want to go outside today, so we had a very relaxed morning. We cleaned up the house, made hot chocolate and watched a film. I love that feeling when you're watching a movie, it's cold outside and you're covered with the blanket.

When it finished I went to my bedroom to the computer to check my email. I had some of them. Advertising emails, notifications emails from twitter, more advertising (I hate those advertising emails! So annoying) and... Oh! One direction management. No! I couldn't believe it! Maybe was just the typical email that says, "Thanks for attending the casting, but unfortunately you're not the person we are looking for" or it could be " Congratulations! You have been selected to be part of the cast to film the video". I opened it. I was nervous. No, I was veeeery nervous! I read it, and it was the second one. I was selected to film the video! I couldn't believe it!

"Theresa! Theresa" I screamed. "I've just received the email from the casting we went yesterday!"

She went towards my bedroom in 2 seconds. She opened the door and...

"And...? What did it say?"

"I'm in Theresa! I'm in!!!!"

I hugged her. I was so happy! I'm going to work with the biggest boy band in the world! When I tell my sister she's not going to believe me! Haha

"Well, check your email! I want to know if you're in as well." I said

Theresa logged in her email, but there wasn't any email that said one direction Management.

"Well, apparently I'm not" she said with a sad face

"Hey, don't worry, you know, there's more castings around here. I'm sure the next one you're going to be in" I said cheering her up.

"But... It's not..." Suddenly she was cut off by a sound. It's a new email. She opened it. Read it and looked at me with a smile in her face.

"You're in?" I asked her!

She went straight to me to hug me. I took that as a yes! We hugged, jumped and shouted around the house, yes, we were two idiots in London who are going to work with the biggest boy band at the moment!

Let's say we ended up like this:

"We are crazy hahahahaha. By the way, we have to see all the information"

We went to the computer again and read the email. It said that we were selected and had to go to the same place we did the casting yesterday at 17:00.

We looked at the clock. It was almost 16:00! We had to be there in less than an hour and that meant we had to be ready in a half an hour or so!

When we were ready we headed to the place. I was wearing this:

And Theresa that:

There were 3 girls waiting in the room.

"Hi! We are [Y/N] and Theresa" I said

"Hi!" said a girl with long ginger hair with little freckles in her face, she was a bit tiny but very cute "I'm Katie but you can call me K or Kate. This girl here is Allyson" she pointed to a blonde girl with gorgeous blue eyes "and this girl here is Jane" pointing a girl with short dark hair and light blue eyes as well

"Nice to meet you girls" - Theresa said

"Nice to meet you too" replied all the girls

"Are you waiting for so long?" I asked

"Naaah, just a few minutes, a man came here and told us someone's going to be here in about 3 minutes or so" answered Jane

She's Katie:


And Jane:

We waited there and suddenly a man came to us followed by 5 handsome boys.

"Hi ladies! - Said the man and all of us said hi to him as well - Well, as you know, you all have been selected to participate in the new video of One Direction called "Live while we're young" right? So, here are the boys and you are going to interpret the "love interest of the boys" so let's start with you, emm, sorry what's your name?"

"[Y/N]" I answered

"Well [Y/N] you're going to be...

[A/N]: Which one of the boys do you think you are going to be the love interesting? :)

A/N: please comment or vote yet even fann me please cuz I feel like my writing aren't good enough please let me KNOW!!!!!!! Thank you :) xxx

~ Lalli ps if you guys do this i'll ppst the next one tonight and that is a PROMISE!!!!!!!! Xx :)

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