chapter 13

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"On the set"

Wow, It has been such a long time since the last time I wrote. I'm so sorry diary! I promise I'll tell you everything to make it up to you.



It's been a month since we started filming. Everyone is so kind and friendly... The protagonists are Theresa, Sean, David and I. The movie is about two girls who start the university and experiments different experiences about life as it goes on. We've almost done, just a few things need to be recorded but it's almost finished. We'll have to do lots of promo, photo shoots and then the premier. I know David has feelings for me, he told Theresa, but I'm with Harry at the moment. I feel sorry for him because he's sweet and he has supported me everyday, but life is like that. Never is right for everyone.

I really miss Harry to be honest, they are travelling around the world because their first single of their new work will be released very soon, so I can't see him very often, although we text and all but sometimes it's hard due to the time difference.

About us, I must say that fans weren't that bad with me, I mean, I still had those hate messages, but I thought I would have more. Everyone already knows that we were dating. When someone asks them if they have girlfriends Harry raises his hand and nod with his head.

It's still a bit crazy, you know, you're walking around and suddenly fans run to you and ask for pictures, telling Harry to follow them on Twitter, even for autographs...

Theresa and James are happier than ever, they're really cute together and James isn't jealous when Theresa has to film with her "fiction boyfriend" which was good.

We were on the set with everyone just having fun and taking a break when suddenly...

"[Y/N], someone wants to see you"

Who was it? I didn't know! I wasn't expecting anyone. I went out of the room and...

"OMG Harry!!!" I run to him to hug him and he lift me up turning and making circles.

"Hey babe! I missed you!" he said

"Yeah, I missed you too, but what are you doing here? I mean, you must be around the world doing promo, mustn't you?"

"Yeah, but we have 3 days off here, so I decided to visit you, well me and the boys. They're outside."

"Let's see 'em"

"Yeah, but first let me do something I've really missed" he said kissing me sweetly and turning into a passionate kiss.

We went outside the set and there they were. I run towards Niall, I've missed his chats with him so much and his laugh and I don't know, everything about him, that carefree mofo! I hugged him very tight and then I went one for one hugging everyone. I went to tell Theresa that the boys were there.

"Well, now that we have 3 days off don't waste them! Dinner tonight?" Louis said

"Yeah why not? Tell Eleanor and Perrie to come!" I said

"Eleanor isn't here, she has started the university"

"Yeah, and Perrie is doing promo right now, won't be available" replied Zayn

"Oh... such a pitty. Well, what time then?"

"Be ready at 6, we're going to pick you up" said Harry

"Ok, sorry guys but we have to carry on filming. We'll see you tonight" said Theresa

We said goodbye to them, I kissed Harry and carried on filming.

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