Chapter 20

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The wedding was today and I had butterflies in my stomach as soon as I woke up. When I went to check my phone, I had one text message from Luke.

happy one year anniversary, baby. Also, happy wedding day. I love you - Luke

That brought a smile to my face.

"Good morning, bride to be!" Hannah and Kayla ran into my room, barging through the door. I jumped when they ran in. I sat up and rubbed my hand through my hair. "Let's get ready." I smiled.

I got up and took a nice but quick shower, making sure I washed my hair well before getting out of the shower. I brushed my teeth before Hannah started working on my hair. Kayla decided to work on my makeup. During that process, the doorbell rung. "I get it." Hannah said before walking over to the front door.

When she opened the door, it was my mom along with LeClaire. Kris and Jordan were also tagging along.

"There's the bride to be!" My mom said with a huge smile on her face before coming over and hugging me.

"Are you excited to be marrying Uncle Luke?" Kris asked. I smiled. "Of course I am, just nervous." I answered with a small laugh.

"Don't be nervous, everything will go according to plan!" LeClaire said, giving me a hug. With my mom, LeClaire, Kris and Jordan here, it was alot easier to get everything ready to go. We were having the wedding in a barn on the country side.

Well, I would be coming out from the barn down the aisle, but you get the point. As soon as my hair and makeup was done, we decided to head on to the wedding site. I was currently just in a hoodie and sweat pants.

Where we were having the wedding wasn't too far down the road. I smiled as we pulled up behind the barn. I could see all the chairs lined up and rose petals were on the ground. This was really country.

Since this was a country themed wedding, instead of high heels or sandals, I was wearing boots with my wedding dress. They go together honestly. We walked inside the barn. It was nice and clean to get my dress on and whatnot.

"Let's turn you into a beautiful bride." My mom said, clasping her hands together.

Getting into the wedding dress didn't take long at all. My makeup and hair was still in tack and wasn't messed up or anything.

Once I was in my wedding dress, I looked at myself in the mirror. With a shaky breath, I ran my hand across my stomach.

It was getting real. We were getting married today.

"Luke looks so handsome!" LeClaire walked into the barn followed by my mom and Kayla. I smiled. "He's out there?" I asked.

"He is and also shaking like a leaf." LeClaire said, making me laugh.

"John will be in here to walk you down." My mom told me. I nodded. "I see you out there!" Kayla ran over to me and hugged me. She was my maid of honor as Hannah was one of my bridesmaid.

They went to go down the aisle. I took a deep breath as my dad walked in. "There she is. You look beautiful." He grinned, walking over. I smiled. "Thank you." I said as he pulled me in for a hug.

"It's getting close. Are you ready?" My dad asked. "Yeah I am." I answered. I then hooked my arm with my dad's arm as we stood in front of the barn doors.

We then heard the sound of "Here Comes The Bride." The barn doors opened and I saw Luke at the end with the preacher and his dad Tommy as his best man.

Luke grinned from ear to ear as I made my way down the aisle. Once we got to the end, Luke came and stood on the other side of me.

"Who gives this woman away?" The preacher asked. "Her mother and I." My dad answered. My dad kissed my forehead before hugging Luke. He then went and sat down beside my mom. Luke and I held hands as we stood in front of all of our family and friends.

We then copied what the preacher told us to say.

"Before we get to the rings, you had vows to say to each other?" The preacher asked. Luke and I both nodded.

"You go first." Luke said, rubbing his thumb over my hands.

"Luke, we known each other since college. I loved you since I met you. Of course, I was too nervous to tell you that. You treat me like a girl should be treated. I never thought I would love someone as much as I love you. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and your boys." I finished with a shaky voice, tears already filling my eyes.

"Lilly, you are the most beautiful and kind hearted girl I ever met. I fell in love with you back when I was a junior in college. I know it sounds cliche but look where we are now. We are here getting married in front of our friends and family. You are amazing to Bo and Tate and I couldn't ask for a better mother figure for them. I love you so much and I can't wait to expand our family together." Luke said, making the tears fall down my face.

I laughed as I wiped the tears away.

"Stop making me cry." I said, making everyone laugh.

"The rings please." The preacher then spoke. Bo was the ring bearer so he walked up to the preacher with the rings.

"Do you, Thomas Luther Bryan take Lillian Nicole Smith to be your wife? In sickness or in health, for better or for worse, rich or poor?" The preacher asked Luke. "I do." Luke said as he smiled at me. He then slid the ring on my finger.

"Do you, Lillian Nicole Smith, take Thomas Luther Bryan to be your lawful wedded husband? In sickness or in health, for better or for worse, rich or poor?" The preacher asked me. "I do." I smiled. I then slid the ring onto Luke's fingers.

"I now present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Luther Bryan. You may kiss your bride." The preacher announced. Luke cupped my face in his hands as he smashed his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I kissed back.

Everyone around us stood and clapped. Then Luke picked me up bridal style before carrying me down the aisle.


We were all at the reception. Luke and I stood in front of the cake as Luke had his arm around my waist. Everyone was taking pictures as we sliced a piece of cake together. As Luke turned to feed me a piece, I smashed cake in his face. Everyone laughed as Luke wiped the cake off his face. I laughed. "You think that's funny?" Luke smirked. I nodded, licking my fingers.

Luke grabbed a piece before smashing it in my face as well. I raised my hands in defense. "I deserve that." I smiled. Luke laughed before kissing my lips, getting some of the icing off in the process. I grabbed a napkin and wiped my face alone with Luke's.

Soon enough, it was time for our first dance. Luke grabbed my hand and led me onto the dance floor.

Dan and Shay were performing "Sway" as we danced as husband and wife. I wrapped my arms around Luke's neck as he had one hand on my lower back and one on my side.

I looked into his brown eyes.

This was our happy ending. We may have had struggles in the beginning but we made it. That's what love was about. 

And that's it for Lilly and Luke! Until the sequel anyway! There will be an epilogue to this so technically this book isn't completed yet. What do you all think? Let me know down in the comments! Thank you all for who voted and commented! You all inspired me to continue this book and I am grateful for all of you! I hoped you all enjoyed!

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