Chapter 18

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Since we have been engaged for almost a month, we decided to get started on planning the wedding. I was going with Kayla, my mom, LeClaire and Hannah to go look for a wedding dress. "Do you guys have a date yet?" Kayla asked.

"Luke and I are still discussing it." I answered.

We then walked into the store full of wedding dresses. "Welcome to Mary's Bridal shop. I'm Mary, what may I help y'all with today?" We were greeted by a young girl, maybe my age or a year older. She had curly black hair and the prettiest green eyes.

"I'm Lilly. I am the bride to be and we were just here to look for dresses." I answered. Mary smiled. "Congrats on the engagement and wedding! Just follow me. The rest of you ladies can sit and Lilly will come out and show you what dresses she likes and will model them." Mary explained to Kayla, my mom, LeClaire and Hannah.

I followed Mary to the back after. "What is your budget?" Mary asked me.

"Ten thousand." I answered. She nodded and we started looking for dresses.


We have been looking for a dress for an hour or so and I thought I wouldn't be able to find one. As I was looking through the rack, one popped my eyel. It was five thousand, half of my budget. "I think I found the one." I told Mary.

She walked over.

"That is gorgeous! Go try it on!" Mary told me.

I went into the dressing room and got it on. It was a lacy, open back white with flowers at the bottom. It was beautiful. It fit me perfectly. I then walked out. "That looks beautiful! I think you should show them." Mary said. I nodded before walking out.

Everyone turned and gasped when they saw me. I smiled and gave a little spin.

"You look beautiful!" My mom said, who was tearing up.

"Don't cry, mom. You'll make me cry." I laughed.

"Is that the dress?" Hannah asked. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I looked at myself up and down before turning back to them.

"This is the dress."


I kept the wedding dress at my mom's as Luke would probably snoop to try and see what dress I would be wearing. Today, Luke and I were going to pick out a wedding cake. We were almost done with the wedding planning. We had already picked out where we were having the wedding and reception.

Luke and I held hands as we walked into the bakery. "Mr. and Mrs. Bryan?" A girl walked up to us and asked. "Yes, ma'am." Luke answered.

"We got different cake flavors out for you two to taste. Follow me." She smiled. Luke and I followed behind her.

She took us in a back room where different cake flavors were sitting out. "I let you taste them out and I come back later to see if you guys have any decisions." She explained before leaving the room.

"Where do you wanna start?" I asked Luke. "Choclate." Luke said, licking his lips. I laughed and we went over and tasted the choclate cake. "This is good but I know some don't like choclate. Like Tate." Luke said. I nodded.

"We can do mix?" I suggested.

"Choclate and vanilla?" Luke asked. "Yeah." I answered.

"Let's look at the others first though before making any decision." Luke said. I nodded.

We went around and tasted other cake flavors.

What really caught our attention was the red velvet flavor.

"We need the red velvet." I told Luke. Luke grinned. "That was good, I think we should stick with that." Luke nodded in agreement.

Soon, the young girl came back. "Have you made a choice?" She asked with a smile.

"We are going with the red velvet."Luke told her.

"Oo, good choice." She told us. Luke and I then finished up before we left the shop.

"I am so full of cake." I told him as we hopped in the car.

"Same." Luke said as he started the truck.

"I was thinking when we were in there. I had an idea for a date." Luke explained as we were on the highway.

"What date?" I asked.

"On our one year anniversary since we been dating." Luke answered.

I smiled.

"I love that idea." 

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