Chapter 15

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Since I had to leave for the airport at four this morning, Bo, Tate and Til stayed with LeClaire last night. I was currently on the plane. We had almost an hour and thirty minutes before we landed. It was around eight in the morning now and I am exhausted. I wish I could fall asleep on planes but I just can't do that. I had the window seat and I was currently sitting next to a single mother with a two year old toddler and a six month old baby girl.

The baby wouldn't stop crying and I could tell the mother was wanting to break down. Her two year old was being good and was watching something on the tablet.

"Do you need help?" I asked her. She looked at me. She had tears in her eyes. "Don't cry, I can watch her." I told her.

"That would be a blessing." She said. She passed over her baby and I sat straighter in the seat as I shook her gently in my arms, singing softly to her. She calmed right down a few seconds later. She started sucking on her fingers while looking at me.

"Are you a mom? How did you do that?" She asked, noticing her daughter falling asleep in my arms.

"No, I am not a mom myself. My boyfriend has two little boys I take care of." I answered with a smile. She nodded. I then carefully passed her back her sleeping baby.


Once we landed, the mom thanked me so much before we got off the plane. I grabbed my back and walked through the airport, looking for Luke. Since I couldn't find Luke, I went straight to baggage claim. As I got to baggage claim, my phone buzzed. I unlocked my phone to see that Luke had texted me.

I'm here, where are you? -Luke

I texted him that I was at baggage claim.

As I was waiting for my other luggage to come from the airplane, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I turned around to see it was Luke. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he kissed me.

"I am so happy to be spending a week with you, kid free." Luke said, making me laugh. I hit his chest. "You love the kids." I told him.

"I know." Luke grinned.


Once we left the airport, Luke took me back to his tour bus that was parked behind the stadium he was playing at tonight. "How was the flight?" Luke asked as I placed my bag on the bed in the back of the tour bus. Luke put my other suitcase under the bed as I collasped onto the bed. Luke fell next to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"It was long and tiring espically since I don't sleep on planes. And I was sitting by this single mom who had a toddler, who was acting good for her and her baby about six months old. I could tell she was having a hard time so I asked if I could help and I got her baby to fall right to sleep." I explained.

Luke smiled. "That was sweet of you." Luke said. I nodded. "She asked if I was a mom and I said no." I laughed.

"You will be a mom one day. You are already an amazing mother figure to Bo and Tate." Luke said.

"Do you want more kids though?" I asked. "Of course. I want a family with you." Luke told me, making me smile. "Why wouldn't I want more kids?" Luke asked.

I shrugged. "I mean, you already have two boys and now you're raising your nephew, I just figured you didn't want to add a baby on top of that." I answered. Luke sat up, grabbing my hand, making me sit up.

He pulled me into his lap. "Sure, it may be stressful but one baby wouldn't change a thing. I want to extend our family with you. You make our life complete, Lilly." Luke told me, kissing my forehead.

"I'm glad to hear that." I spoke. Luke grinned before pressing his lips to mine. 

So Luke and Lilly are alone without kids for a week! They get a mini vacation XD What did you think about this chapter? Let me know down in the comments and I hoped you all enjoyed!

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