Chapter 2

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I was flabbergasted. I really didn't know what to say. I scratched the back of my neck. "I see you are doing what you love." Luke finally spoke. "You are too. I hear you all the time on the radio." I replied. Luke grinned. He had that same beautiful smile. "So, how did you manage to breake your clavicle while riding a back?" I asked, changing the subject and studying on his shoulder.

"I guess I hit a pothole or something because the next thing I know, I was on the ground in pain." Luke explained. I nodded. "I hope you don't have to perform tonight." I told him while putting his arm in a sling for now. "Oh, I'm still gonna perform. I canceled a show last year around Farm Tour and I am not doing it again." Luke said. I sat on the rolling chair and looked at him. "You need rest and you can't be moving that arm or the injury will be worse. You need surgery as soon as possible." I told him.

"I have no show tomorrow. I will come tomorrow and get the surgery. My arm is going to be in the sling the whole night. I won't move it at all." Luke told me. "Whatever you wanna do. I am gonna prescribe you medication for the pain until tomorrow then." I told him, sliding over to the counter in the room. I started writing the prescricpton when Luke started talking again.

"You look great. You're still beautiful like back in college." Luke said. I smiled a little. "You look great too." I replied.

"I'm going to get the doctor to sign this, I will be right back." I told him. Once I walked out of the room, I took a deep breath and leaned against the wall. He's back... I shook my head before going to the front desk of the emergency room. The doctor on call, Steven was up flirting with the receptionist. I rolled my eyes before walking over. "There's a patient that has a broke clavicle that is having surgery tomorrow and will need medication filled." I told him, passing the folder to him. He smirked at me before opening the folder.

"How does this dude break his clavicle riding a bike? Clumsy people." Steven laughed. "Hey, it was a freak accident. He is not clumsy." I defended Luke. Steven looked at me surprised. "I'm taking it you know the guy." Stephen said, closing the folder.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Can you just sign it so I can give it to him to go get it filled?" I was annoyed. "Fine." Steven said. He pulled a pin out of his coat pocket and signing it before giving it to me. I then went back to his room.

"Okay, here you go. Just need to go get it filled." I told him, handing him it. "Thank you." He said before getting up. He was about to leave but turned and faced me. "Do you wanna come to tonight's show? I let you in backstage." Luke asked. I didn't know what to say.

"You don't have to come. Just letting you know, it starts at eight so be there by seven thirty if you are coming. Go around back and there will be someone waiting. I would love for you to be there." Luke said with a smile before leaving.

What am I going to do? I cleaned up the room before going to check on Gabe to see how he was holding up. I knocked on the door before walking in. "How are you buddy?" I asked. "I got a cast!" He held up his arm to show a green colored cast. I smiled. "That's great." I then turned to Kayla and Ethan.

"How are you guys?" I asked. "I feel terrible. It was all my fault." Ethan said. Kayla grabbed his hand. "It's not your fault. It was a accident." Kayla told him. "Kids get hurt all of the time, Ethan. It's not like you abuse him." I told him. Ethan nodded. "Well, I gotta go. But call me when you guys get back."


"You ran into Luke?!" Hannah squealed. She came over with her one year old daughter, Noelle. "Yeah, he also invited me to tonight's show. I really don't know what to do." I replied. Hannah placed Noelle down on the floor with her toys. "You gotta go. You two were really close in college." Hannah said.

"I know. That's the thing. You know I had a crush on him. But now, it is coming back." I said. "That's not a bad thing." Hannah responded.

"What if he is married and has kids?" I asked. Hannah shrugged.

"Only one way to find out." 

duh duh duh.... Is Lilly going to go to the concert? Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it! Let me know in the comments what you think! 

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